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Dev Kabir edited this page Jul 12, 2023 · 4 revisions

WordPress Plugin Boilerplate

This is a simple boilerplate for creating WordPress plugins.

How to Install

  1. Set up the project

    Navigate to the plugins directory in your local WordPress installation and run the following command:

    composer create-project devkabir/wordpress-plugin <your-plugin-name>

    If you want to use the master branch for your project, run this command instead:

    composer create-project devkabir/wordpress-plugin:dev-master <your-plugin-name>

    Note: The master branch is still under development and may contain bugs.

  2. Begin coding

    To start coding, run this command:

    code <your-plugin-name>

Project Organization

The project is structured as follows:

├───assets                          # For Frontend Developers
│   ├───admin                           # Admin template
│   │   └───src
│   │       ├───components                  # Smaller chunks of admin template.
│   │       │   └───data
│   │       ├───composable                  # Composition APIs for admin template.
│   │       └───pages                       # Pages of admin template.
│   └───website                         # Shortcodes and widgets for frontend
│       └───shortcodes                      # All shortcodes are located here.
│           ├───form                        # HTML and JS files for `form` shortcode
│           └───scss                        # SCSS styles for shortcodes
├───languages                       # i18n template for this plugin.
└───src                             # For Backend Developers
    ├───Admin                           # Code for admin-facing features, such as adding pages to the sidebar.
    ├───Ajax                            # All AJAX actions are located here. AJAX is used for handling frontend requests.
    ├───Api                             # All API handlers are located here. APIs are used for the admin template.
    ├───Helpers                         # Shared functions are located here as static methods of a namespace to avoid conflicts.
    ├───Traits                          # Reusable functions are located here in the form of traits.
    └───Web                             # Code for frontend-facing features, such as loading shortcodes and widgets.

Files in the Root Directory

  • - Creates a .zip file to test this plugin.
  • composer.json - Handles all PHP dependencies.
  • - Deploys the production build to
  • plugin.php - The main file for the plugin.
  • post-install.php - After creating the project, this file automatically replaces all dummy strings.
  • - Plugin details for the GitHub development repository.
  • readme.txt - Plugin details for
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