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  • Real Software Solutions
  • Guatemala



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Hi everyone 👋

I'm a 31-year-old web developer from the Guatemalan Republic, who loves open source.

Quick overview

  • GitHub stats:
My github stats

(also from a project I'm contributing to, devThms/github-readme-stats

What I do

export class Info {

  name: string = 'Tomás Eduardo Jiménez C.'
  age: number = 30
  nationality: string[] = ['Guatemalan']
  languages: Record<string, string>[] = [
                             { 'Spanish': 'native' }, 
                             { 'English': 'Reading' }, 
  school: string = 'Universidad Mariano Galvez de Guatemala'
  occupation: string = 'Software Developer and Project Management, Student for Ever'
  freetime: string[] = ['Learning', 'Reading', 'Share the acquired knowledge and make the life of the systems students easier']
  musical_interest_years: number[] = [70, 80, 90]


export class Programming {

  languages: string[] = ['TypeScript', 'JavaScript', 'PHP', 'C#']
  stylesheets: string[] = ['CSS', 'SASS']
  frameworks frontend: string[] = ['Livewire', 'Angular', 'Ionic']
  frameworks backend: string[] = ['Laravel', 'NestJs', 'Express', 'Entity Framework']
  runtimes: string[] = ['Node']
  databases: string[] = ['MySQL', 'SQL Server', 'Mongo', 'SQLite']
  learning: string[] = ['React', 'Dart', 'Phyton', 'Data Analytics']
  projects: string[] = ['Elections App', 'WASO', 'Kardex WMS', 'Watermeter Regional']
  misc: ['Firebase', 'Socket.IO']


export class Social {

  website: string = ''
  github: string = 'devThms'


I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! 😊

Popular repositories Loading

  1. adminpro-angular adminpro-angular Public

    Demo para trabajar frontend con angular

    CSS 4

  2. medical-system medical-system Public

    Sistema para asistencia a consultorios médicos

    PHP 3 3

  3. elections-php elections-php Public

    Practica para pequeño CRUD en PHP - Laravel

    PHP 3

  4. watermeter-api watermeter-api Public

    APIRestful - Sistema medidores de agua - PHP

    PHP 2

  5. watermeter-app watermeter-app Public

    Aplicación Angular, sistema para medición de consumos de agua - municipalidades

    CSS 2

  6. apirestful-php apirestful-php Public

    Desarrollo de una APIRestful con php - laravel (back-end)

    PHP 1