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Game encyclopedia website made with laravel framework.

You can install the project with any of the installation methods below.

Setting up locally

Open a terminal window in the application folder where the project files are located.

Install composer dependencies by composer install command.

Copy .env.example file and rename it to .env and configure your database settings.

Generate new app_key by php artisan key:generate command.

Create a new database named laravel_wikigame.

Create database tables and seed data inside it by php artisan migrate:fresh --seed command.

Start your local development server by php artisan serve command. You will need a local server program for this.(Xampp, Wampp etc.)

If you are not running the app on your local, then add your IP address to whitelist table. should be already added by seeding.

You need to set your mail setting in the .env file in order to test verification mail after registering to app.

You need to set your social credentials values in the .env file in order to use sign in with social media login options.(You can examine .env.example in order to get clearer idea about it.)

Go to localhost:8000/admin/giris and type [email protected] for email and 123456Aa for the password.(You must add your ip address to whitelist table to reach admin panel.)
Afterwards you will be automatically redirected to admin panel dashboard.
You can also use the account you are logged in to for the administrator at the frontend of the project.

To see the frontend of the website simply go to localhost:8000

Setting up with Docker

You can also run the project with Docker Desktop instead of locally

Make sure you have docker desktop installed in your locale. For Docker Desktop installation: Docker Desktop

Copy .env.example file and rename it to .env and configure your database settings.

Run the docker-compose up -d --build command in the project root directory in a terminal screen.

Then connect to the container you created with the docker-compose exec php sh command.

Then, go to the directory where the project files are in the container with the cd /var/www/html command.

Then install the composer dependencies in the container with the composer install command.

Generate new app_key by php artisan key:generate command.

Connect to the mysql container with docker-compose exec mysql sh command.

Run the mysql -uroot -proot command to login mysql database system.

After logging into the database system, create the database to be used for the project by running the create database laravel_wikigame; command.

Finally, connect to the PHP container again and run the php artisan migrate:fresh --seed command to create the tables in our database and add data to the tables.

You need to set your mail setting in the .env file in order to test verification mail after registering to app.

You need to set your social credentials values in the .env file in order to use sign in with social media login options.(You can examine .env.example in order to get clearer idea about it.)

You can now access the application via browser at localhost:8080.

You can now access the phpMyAdmin via browser at localhost:8090. Username: root Password: root

Go to localhost:8080/admin/giris and type [email protected] for email and 123456Aa for the password.(You must add your ip address to whitelist table to reach admin panel.)
Afterwards you will be automatically redirected to admin panel dashboard.
You can also use the account you are logged in to for the administrator at the frontend of the project.

Thank you...