A JSON RPC Server for Bridge Buddy
BridgeBuddyServer is the back-end for BridgeBuddy, an Android and iOS app for helping those learning the card game Bridge, especially in ACOL bidding and leads.
The ACOL bidding system used is described in the No Fear Bridge Crib Sheet
cabal install
To test a single hand,
cabal run BridgeBuddy N
where N = number of hands you want to display.
For the JSON server, the bridge hands, bids and resons for the bid are stored in a Beanstalk queue in JSON format. You need a running instance of Beanstalk for this.
cabal run populate_weighted_queue 30000
To run the server:
cabal run BridgeBuddyServer
Open a browser and go to: http://localhost:3000/openingbid