This contains the "myrecipes" app to store recipes, add profiles, chat, rate and comment.
Realtime Chatroom and Comments feature using ActionCable!
Rails 5 using free cloud-based Integrated Development Environment
Working with git for version control and github as code repository
Rails MVC structure in-depth - Models, Views, Controllers
Conceptualization and Design
Building own authentication system from scratch using default Rails stack, including admin feature, log in/logout and signup
Working with Bootstrap for UI, Amazon Web Services for file/image hosting, Gravatars
Test Driven Development (TDD) for majority of the application, introduced very early on. Build automated test suite side-by-side with the app featuring model (unit) and feature (integration) tests with the default rails testing framework
Model and non-model backed forms, implementing like/dislike voting feature
Migrations, one-to-many and many-to-many associations at the database layer and implementation using Rails and ActiveRecord
much, much more!
The content was created when participating an Udemy course by Mashrur Hossain.