Install packages and setup environment on Ubuntu. It is specifically aimed for machine learning development. Maybe there will be branches in the futrue.
Check dockerfiles/
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Some examples of Dockerfile
are in the submodule dockerfiles/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
curl git rsync htop \
python3-pip \
ssh xrdp \
ranger tmux
install lf (ref:
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
curl -L | tar xzC ~/.local/bin
sudo apt-get install \
gnome-tweaks cloc vim-gtk3
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo systemctl status ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh
Add ~/.ssh/
to Github settings
sudo systemctl status xrdp
sudo adduser xrdp ssl-cert
pip3 install jupyter jupyter_contrib_nbextensions jupyterthemes
jupyter nbextensions_configurator enable --user
mkdir -p $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions
cd $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions
git clone vim_binding
chmod -R go-w vim_binding
cd -
jt -t gruvboxd -vim
export dotfiles_path=~/Github/myrepo/dotfiles
git clone [email protected]:deeperlearner/dotfiles $dotfiles_path
cd $dotfiles_path
cd -
export dotfiles_local_path=~/Github/myrepo/dotfiles-local
git clone [email protected]:deeperlearner/dotfiles-local $dotfiles_local_path
cd $dotfiles_local_path
git checkout -t origin/Windows_WSL
cd -
git clone --depth 1 ~/Downloads/vim
cd ~/Downloads/vim/src
make distclean
sudo make install
cd -
setup coc.nvim
curl -sL | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install npm python3.8 python3.8-venv
vim +'CocInstall -sync coc-jedi' +qall
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
source ~/.bashrc
mkvirtualenv <env_name>
This project is inspired by Anish's repository linux-bootstrap