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Apollo Express Boilerplate

Apollo Graphql on Express application setup that uses mongo as its database.

Setup includes:

  • Apollo-express-graphql v2
  • Express v4
  • Mongoose v5
  • Typescript v4
  • Graphql v15
  • Eslint
  • Prettier
  • Docker


NOTE: You need to have a MongoDB running to be able to run the application.
If you want to run Docker, then I suggest using:

  • Docker version 20.10.7
  • docker-compose version 1.29.2

since these are what I'm using to run the application.

Step 1. Clone the application

git clone

Step 2 (Optional). Install MongoDB using Docker

Install mongodb using docker.
Then go to config/docker directory which contains a docker-compose-mongo.yml file for running MongoDB on your local machine.
Then run docker-compose command.

docker pull mongo
cd ./config/docker/
docker-compose -f docker-compose-mongo.yml  up -d

Step 3. Create environment variables

NOTE: Before running the application, environment variables must be defined.
Instruction: Create a file .env inside your project directory, then add the variables with its corresponding values indicated in the table below.

Variables Definition Example Values
AUTH_SECRET Allows secure communication between GraphQL client and server.
ENV Defines the environment the app will be running on. prod
DEBUG Used in logging info to the console. app:*
PORT The port where the app will run. 3000
MONGO_URL Set value to mongodb://localhost:27017/server-app, when not using docker. mongodb://mongo:27017/server-app

Step 4. Run Application

Running application without using Docker Compose

NOTE: Make sure .env is setup correctly.
Also make sure a running MongoDB is running in your system.
Then run application with this command:

npm run dev

If you want to build the app for production use then run these commands:

npm run build
npm run start
Running application using Docker Compose

This will automatically run and deploy your app in a docker container.
NOTE: Make sure you have no running mongo on your docker container.
If you did step two then you should stop that container using docker stop <container-id>.
Use docker ps to view running containers and get the id of the container you want to stop.

IMPORTANT: Update your mongo url in .env and change it to MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongo:27017.
This will allow your application container to connect to your mongo container.

docker-compose up --build -d

API Routes

  • https://localhost:3000/api/sample
    This is a sample api you could use to test if the project was setup correctly.
      body: {},
      method: GET
      value: "Hello World"

Graphql Playground

  • https://localhost:3000/graphql
    You can get more information for graphql playground here

Create New User:

mutation UserCreate {
  userCreate(input: {
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: "password",
    type: "admin",
  }) {

Get All Users:

  users {

Update User (Note: _id must come from database):

mutation UserUpdate {
  userUpdate(input: {
    _id: "60e98d73ab8bc50e1aa1d6a3",
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: "password",
    type: "user",
  }) {

User account login:

mutation UserLogin {
  userLogin(input: {
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: "password",
  }) {

Project Files and Directory structure

    - config
        - docker
        - eslint
        - scripts
            - prod
            - stage
        - typescript
     - dist
     - node_modules
     - public
        - robots.txt
     - src
        - api
        - apollo
            - users
                - mutations
                - query
                - resolvers.ts
                - typeDef.ts
        - global
            - constants
            - functions
            - utilities
        - interfaces
        - mongoose
            - config
            - models
            - schemas
        - services
        - Server.ts
        - index.ts
    - .dockerignore
    - .env
    - .gitignore
    - .gitlab-ci.yml
    - .prettierignore
    - .prettierrc
    - docker-compose.yml
    - package.json
    - robots.txt


Contains project configuration like docker, eslint, typescript and etc.


Contains the build directory of the project.


Contains the libraries used by the project.


Contains the project source code.

Directories Definition
api Place where you store all your api routes and their corresponding logic
apollo Contains apollo configuration, mutation and queries
global Contains global and reusable variables, functions and Class objects used by the project
interfaces Contains application interfaces
mongoose Contains mongo configuration, models and schemas needed to use mongo database
services This will be where main business logic of the application. You can consider this somehow like a Controller in a MVC architecture
Server.ts Class that initializes our server
index.ts Entry point of the application

Files that docker will ignore.


Environment variables needed to run the application.


Files that git will ignore.


Gitlab CI script.


Files that prettier will ignore.


Prettier configuration.
It was intentinally placed here instead under config directory since VSCode is configured to find prettier configuration on the project root directory.

Docker configuratoin to run application. Only used in development.


Docker configuratoin to run application. Used in production application.


Holds various metadata relevant to the project.
This file is used to give information to npm that allows it to identify the project as well as handle the project's dependencies.

Contains more information about the project.

Release information about the project.


Also known as the robots exclusion protocol or simply robots.txt,
is a standard used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and other web robots.