This repository shows you best practice on how to use fastlane
in your project.
The easiest way to install fastlane
on a new Mac is to run sudo gem install fastlane --verbose
It is recommended to use the sudo-less gem installation.
- Run tests
- Build and sign your application
- Distribute the build to Crashlytics
default_platform :ios
platform :ios do
desc "Runs all the tests"
lane :test do
desc "Build and distribute build to Crashlytics"
lane :beta do
gym(scheme: "Release")
crashlytics(crashlytics_path: "./Crashlytics.framework/submit")
Additionally you'll have to store your keys somewhere, take a look at the Keys Guide.
- Automatic version number increment
- Basic git actions
- User inputs
- Slack notifications
default_platform :ios
platform :ios do
before_all do
# optional: prepare your project here, e.g. cocoapods or carthage
desc "Build and distribute build to Crashlytics"
lane :beta do
# Make sure we don't have any uncommited changes on master and are up to date with the remote
ensure_git_branch(branch: 'master')
# Ask the user of fastlane to enter a changelog
changelog = prompt(text: "Enter the change log: ",
multi_line_end_keyword: "END")
# Increment the version number of your Xcode project
version = increment_version_number(bump_type: "patch")
# Build and sign your app
gym(scheme: "Release")
# Distribute via Crashlytics
crashlytics(crashlytics_path: "./Crashlytics.framework/submit",
notes: changelog)
# Post Slack notification
channel: "development",
default_payloads: [], # reduce the notification to the minimum
message: "Successfully distributed version #{version} :rocket:",
payload: {
"Changes" => changelog
error do |lane, exception|
slack(message: exception.to_s, success: false)
Additionally you'll have to store your keys somewhere, take a look at the Keys Guide.
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