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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🤖 automation
🤖 automation
Automated tasks done by workflows or bots
:bug: BUG
Confirmed bugs, normally at GitHub Pages
👥 discussion
:busts_in_silhouette: discussion
This Repo is guided by its community! Let's talk!
Conflict(s) need to be resolved
🔗 dependencies:github-actions
🔗 dependencies:github-actions
Address CI dependencies related with GitHub Actions'
🔗 dependencies
🔗 dependencies
Address project dependencies
Contributed resource, issue, pull request... already exists
👀 Needs Review
:eyes: Needs Review
Is this really a good resource? Reviews requested.
good first issue
good first issue
A good starting point for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Needs help solving a blocked / stucked item
Requests exempt from being punctually stale
linter error
linter error
Please, correct build errors found by linter!
New Feature
New Feature
New feature / enhancement / translation...
not free?
not free?
Needs clarification that the link is really free.
PR requested
PR requested
Issues that can be addressed with a new PR
📌 pinned
:pushpin: pinned
Issues that are pinned currently
Needs clarification by involved users / reviewers
🚀 ready to merge
:rocket: ready to merge
LGTM. Waiting for final approval
🗣️ locale:ar
:speaking_head: locale:ar
Resources addressing "Arabic / العربية" language
🗣️ locale:az
:speaking_head: locale:az
Resources addressing "Azerbaijani / Азәрбајҹан дили / آذربايجانجا ديلي" language
🗣️ locale:bg
:speaking_head: locale:bg
Resources addressing "Bulgarian / български" language
🗣️ locale:bn
:speaking_head: locale:bn
Resources addressing "Bengali / বাংলা" language
🗣️ locale:bs
:speaking_head: locale:bs
Resources addressing "Bosnian / bosanski jezik" language
🗣️ locale:cs
:speaking_head: locale:cs
Resources addressing "Czech / čeština / český jazyk" language
🗣️ locale:da
:speaking_head: locale:da
Resources addressing "Danish / dansk" language
🗣️ locale:de
:speaking_head: locale:de
Resources addressing "German / Deutsch" language
🗣️ locale:el
:speaking_head: locale:el
Resources addressing "Greek / Hellenic / ελληνικά" language
🗣️ locale:en
:speaking_head: locale:en
Resources addressing "English" language
🗣️ locale:es
:speaking_head: locale:es
Resources addressing "Spanish / español / castellano" language
🗣️ locale:et
:speaking_head: locale:et
Resources addressing "Estonian / eesti keel" language