Minecraft server plugin that lets users buy and sell items.
/buy item quantity
- Purchases item(s) of the specified type and quantity.
/sell item|hand|this (quantity|all)
- Sells item(s) of the specified type (or hand item if not specified) and quantity.
/sell all
- Sells all sellable items in a player's inventory.
/price item
- Retrieves the price of the specified item.
/pricelist (page #)
- Prints a list of buyable/sellable items and their prices.
/setprice (item|hand) buyprice sellprice
- Sets the buy and sell prices of the specified item to the specified price.
/removeprice (item|hand)
- Removes the specified price from the pricelist.
/setbuyprice (item|hand) price
- Sets the price to buy the specified item to the specified price.
/setsellprice (item|hand) price
- Sets the price paid to the player when selling the specified item.
Note: Parenthesized command parameters are optional.
Simply drag and drop the BuyAndSell.jar file into your server's plugin folder.
The plugin will create a new directory and prices file to store item prices. You can start adding prices via the /setbuyprice and /setsellprice commands, or directly into the prices.txt file with the format (Item) (Buy price) (Sell price).
An example line of the file would look like this:
ender_pearl 50.0 15.0
Needs an updated version of the Vault plugin to run.
Works with any economy plugins supported by Vault.
- Determines if a player can set prices for items.
- Determines if a player can check the price of an item.
- Determines if a player can check the price of an item.
- Determines if a player can buy items.
- Determins if a player can sell items.
Add /remove command
Make a command that sets the sell and buy prices simultaneously: /setprices sellprice buyprice
Make a command that prints a list of buyable items
Add "all" keyword
Add /price command
Sort and remove duplicates from prices file
Copyright (C) 2020 by David DeCorso. Software is free to use and distribute.