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This application can be used to setup a quick local api server. Also, it can be used as a proxy server in order to record stubs for UI automation from actual api servers.


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AADHI(Scenario Server)

Please follow the below Doc. to install aadhi using setup script


Please follow the below Doc. to install aadhi manually

Aadhi can be used to setup a quick local api server. PFB the list features available in the scenario server:-

1.Eliminate dependency with actual production environment
     Using actual production/test environment for automation would be cumbersome as there are more chances of false failures due to network latency and change in data setup. Scenario server will help us to run the automation in stable environment and would eliminate  false failures.
2. Multiple Device support
         It has the capability to give response to multiple devices simultaneously
 3. Export and Import feature
       Multiple users can work on the same feature without any conflicts
 4. Refreshing the stubs using the scenario server is easy as the model has been designed to capture  all the required data's for hitting the actual production API.
 5. Displaying the JSON responses in pretty JSON format

Section 1: Configure scenario server in webrick server

Step1: Clone the new scenario server from github

git clone

Step 2: Make sure you have rvm 2.2.0 version. One can check that by running rvm list command

rvm install 2.2.0

Step 3: Install rails

gem install rails
 if above command fails due to missing command line tools, then run : xcode-select —install  to install command line tools
 Run the below command again and it would take around 10mins
gem install rails

Step 4: Navigate to cloned scenario server code base and run the following commands

To install MySQL server
brew install mysql    
To install all the required gems for scenario server
bundle install

Step 5: Setup mysql

To Start MySQL

 mysql.server start

 To set root password, run
            Enter current password for root (enter for none): simply press enter
            Set root password? [Y/n]  - type y
            New password: auto@123
            Re-enter new password: auto@123
            Password updated successfully!
            Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] - type n
            Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] - type n
            Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] - type n
            Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] - type y
  To create db 
            Login into mysql 
                     mysql -uroot -pauto@123
            Run below command to create database
                     create database stubs;
    Create tables by running the below command from scenario_server folder
                     bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development

Step 6: To start scenario server on port 9090

rails s -p 9090
Open any browser and access the below URL

Now you should be able to see the home screen of scenario server in your machine

Section 2: Configuring Rails server in Passenger Apache

Step 1. Skip this step if you have already done it

Complete the Step 2,3,4 and 5 in Section 1

Step 2: Install Passenger Gem

gem install passenger

Step 3: Install Apache module using passenger

rvmsudo passenger-install-apache2-module

Step 4: Modify the below mentioned config file of apache

    a) Copy and Paste the below piece of code in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.Make sure you replace <username> with your user name and also the passenger version should be the version(passenger-4.0.59) which you installed in your machine
          LoadModule passenger_module /Users/<username>/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0/gems/passenger-4.0.59/buildout/apache2/
         <IfModule mod_passenger.c>
             PassengerRoot /Users/<username>/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0/gems/passenger-4.0.59
             PassengerDefaultRuby /Users/<username>/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0/wrappers/ruby
   b) Uncomment the below line in httpd.conf file
          Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
          LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache2/
   c) Edit httpd-vhosts.conf file of apache as below
       NameVirtualHost *:80
       NameVirtualHost *:443
       Listen 443
      <VirtualHost *:80>
            ServerName localhost
              DocumentRoot "/var/www/scenario_server_mysql/public"
             <Directory /var/www/scenario_server_mysql/public>
                   <IfVersion < 2.4>
                         Allow from all
                  <IfVersion >= 2.4>
                     Require all granted
                       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
                       # This relaxes Apache security settings.
                      AllowOverride None
                      # MultiViews must be turned off.
                      Allow from all
                     RailsEnv production
       <VirtualHost *:443>
              ServerName localhost
              DocumentRoot "/var/www/scenario_server_mysql/public"
             <Directory /var/www/scenario_server_mysql/public>
      <IfVersion < 2.4>
            Allow from all
    <IfVersion >= 2.4>
             Require all granted
             Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
             # This relaxes Apache security settings.
             AllowOverride None
             # MultiViews must be turned off.
             Allow from all
            RailsEnv production
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /var/www/scenario_server_mysql/cert/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/www/scenario_server_mysql/cert/server.key

Step 5: Clone scenario server in /var/www/ location. To do this, please follow the below steps

Open terminal and run the below commands
cd /var
sudo mkdir www
sudo chmod 777 /var/www/
cd www
git clone
cd scenario_server_mysql
sudo chmod 777 /var/www/scenario_server_mysql
bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
rvmsudo rake assets:precompile
cd /var/www/scenario_server_mysql
sudo chmod -R 777 public/assets
sudo chmod -R 777 tmp

Step 6: Start the apache server

    sudo apachectl start
    To view the log run (tail -f -n+100 /var/log/apache2/error_log)
    To stop the apache server  (sudo apachectl stop)
    To stop the apache server  (sudo apachectl restart)
    To start the apache server in debug mode (sudo apachectl -k restart)

Now you should be able to access the scenario server in both http and https schemes. Also, the server would start during system startup itself. So no need to manually start the server.


This application can be used to setup a quick local api server. Also, it can be used as a proxy server in order to record stubs for UI automation from actual api servers.







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