I'm a big fan of containerisation and the more I use it the more I love the fact that you can segment packaging in order to not clutter your OS.
Take Ansible for e.g. where you need to install several packages so instead of cluttering my OS I run it directly from Docker.
To verify that the functions are responsing to the base commands such as aws, terraform etc. use that which command.
which aws
This would result in you seeing the zsh function in the output rather than the path to the executable.
I use dotfiles and keep configurations in a structure where in my case ZSH functions and customisations are located in ~/dotfiles/zsh/.zshrc/
ln -s ~/git-repos/macos-containerise/functions-ansible.sh \
ln -s ~/git-repos/macos-containerise/functions-aws.sh \
ln -s ~/git-repos/macos-containerise/functions-terraform.sh \
ln -s ~/git-repos/macos-containerise/functions-kubernetes.sh \
Rememver that every time you make a change to a function that's read by your shell you need to reload the sesison, e.g. for ZSH
source ~/.zshrc"
GitHub: https://github.com/davaba86/docker-ansible DockerHub: davaba/ansible
When spawning a container from the official AWS image be aware of that your credentials need to be forwarded to the container.
I for e.g. use awsume to authenticate to AWS and once the ENV VARs are set I forward them to the container.
Have a look at functions-aws-cli.sh
for more details on the usage.
GitHub: https://github.com/davaba86/docker-terraform DockerHub: davaba/terraform
Since I use AWS I ensure the ENVs AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN as passed into the container from the host.
I recommend to use awsume to easely manage AWS profiles instead of creating your own scripts.
Also if you are triggering the commands from different paths then make use of -chdir
and --terragrunt-working-dir
terraform -chdir=infra-live-v2/dev/vpc init
terraform -chdir=infra-live-v2/dev/vpc apply -auto-approve
terragrunt init --terragrunt-working-dir infra-live-v3/dev/vpc
terragrunt apply --terragrunt-working-dir infra-live-v3/dev/vpc -auto-approve
terragrunt run-all destroy
GitHub: https://github.com/davaba86/docker-kubernetes DockerHub: davaba/kubernetes
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