Pass exams of elearning
- Browser: Chrome (recommended), Sfive, Firefox
- Install browser extension: SingleFile (link Chrome estension
- Openjdk (>= 1.7)
- OS: Ubuntu, Centos (Window not tested)
Split screen to two parts, one for browser to do tests, one for terminal to view answers
- Run "sh" in terminal at a half of screen
- Run browser at rest half of screen
- Configure default download directory of browser points to "questions" directory of Autopass. Sure that browser can download file without prompting location of saving.
- Jump into the test of elearning and begin doing test
- Press "Ctrl + Shift + Y" or click extension icon on browser (Save Page with Single File) to save html to "questions" directory
- View result on terminal to finish the test
- After finishing, back step 5 with the other test
- Decrease size of text font in terminal for tests have many questions
- During test, only should use one tab on browser