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pAgent is crossplatform local job manager and HTTP/Websocket proxy. It uses pRpc to expose a rich API allowing to run multiple jobs, provide the proxy access to their listen ports and to upload and download files.

It is intended to be used together with pRouter as a part of a larger software system that requires executing distributed interactive jobs.


pAgent can be configured from both command line and from YAML config file.

Command line description:

pAgent - remote process manager and reverse proxy.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG       config file
--log-level {debug,info,fatal,error,warning}
                        output log level
--connection-debug    enable additional debug output for RPC connections
--set SET             set config parameter, format is 'config_key=value',
                        values are interpreted as python literals, may appear
                        multiple times

Config parameters:

    client.address - Master server remote address. Format is "host:port", without any schema or path.
    client.enabled - Enable client mode - attempts to connect to a fixed remote peer as master server.
    client.exit_on_fail - Immediately terminate agent if connection to master server fails.
    client.reconnect_delay - Delay between reconnect attempts.
    client.token - Authentication token.

    control.enabled - Enable (optional) administration API. Control API has no authorization and should not be available over WAN.
    control.interface - Interface (ip address) to listen on.
    control.port - Port number to use. Can be set to 0 to use any free port. - Human-friendly agent name (optional).
    identity.uid - Agent's unique identifier. Arbitrary non-empty string.

    jobs.background_threads - Number of threads to use for long running operations (e.g. removing the job sandbox).
    jobs.root - Root directory for session sandbox. Defaults to system temp.

    properties - Dictionary of custom properties that are published to local jobs (as environment variables) and to remote peers (as connection handshake).

    server.accept_tokens - List of valid client tokens.
    server.enabled - Enable agent server (passive) mode.
    server.interface - Interface (ip address) to listen on.
    server.port - Port number to use. Can be set to 0 to use any free port.


This project is developed and maintained by DATADVANCE LLC. Please submit an issue if you have any questions or want to suggest an improvement.


This work is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 15-29-07043).