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Sebastian Benthall edited this page Oct 11, 2016 · 1 revision

Prior Research


Andrew Gelman. "Power-law models for response times in correspondence: a mysterious controversy." link

Maillart, T., Sornette, D., Frei, S., Duebendorfer, T. & Saichev, A. I. Quantification of deviations from rationality with heavy tails in human dynamics. Physical Review E 83, 056101+ (2011). URL

Social Roles

Fisher, D.; Smith, M.; Welser, H.T., "You Are Who You Talk To: Detecting Roles in Usenet Newsgroups," System Sciences, 2006. HICSS '06. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on , vol.3, no., pp.59b,59b, 04-07 Jan. 2006 doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2006.536 keywords: {Character generation;Computer networks;Fires;Intelligent networks;Joining processes;Pattern analysis;Social network services;Visualization}, URL:

Text Processing

Lo and Ounis. "Automatically Building a Stopword List for an Information Retrieval System" link

Duncheneaut, N. "Socialization in an Open Source Software Community: A Socio-Technical Analysis" [link] (