The goal of dcmodifydb is to apply modification rules specified with
on a database table, allowing for documented, reproducable
data cleaning adjustments in a database.
separates intent from execution: a user specifies
what, why and how of an automatic data change and uses
to execute them on a tbl
database table.
The development version from GitHub can be installed with:
# install.packages("devtools")
# silly modification rules
m <- modifier( if (cyl == 6) gear <- 10
, gear[cyl == 4] <- 0 # this R syntax works too :-)
, if (gear == 3) cyl <- 2
# setting up a table in the database
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite())
dbWriteTable(con, "mtcars", mtcars[,c("cyl", "gear")])
tbl_mtcars <- dplyr::tbl(con, "mtcars")
# "Houston, we have a table"
#> # Source: lazy query [?? x 2]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.37.2 []
#> cyl gear
#> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 6 4
#> 2 6 4
#> 3 4 4
#> 4 6 3
#> 5 8 3
#> 6 6 3
# lets modify on a copy of the table...
tbl_m <- modify(tbl_mtcars, m, copy=TRUE)
# and gear has changed...
#> # Source: lazy query [?? x 2]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.37.2 []
#> cyl gear
#> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 6 10
#> 2 6 10
#> 3 4 0
#> 4 6 10
#> 5 2 3
#> 6 6 10
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite())
You can use YAML to store the modification rules: “example.yml”
- expr: if (age > 130) age = 130L
name: M1
label: 'Maximum age'
description: |
Human age is limited. (can use "=")
Cap the age at 130
- expr: <- age < 0
name: M2
label: 'Unknown age'
description: |
Negative Age, nah...
(set to NA)
- expr: income[age < 12] <- 0
name: M3
label: 'No Child Labor'
description: |
Children should not work. (R syntax)
Set income to zero for children.
- expr: "retired <- age > 67"
name: M4
label: 'Retired'
description: |
Derive a new variable...
- expr: if (age < 18) age_class = 'child' else age_class = 'adult'
name: M5
label: 'Age class'
description: |
Derive a new variable with if else
Let’s load the rules and apply them to a data set:
m <- modifier(.file = "example.yml")
#> Object of class modifier with 5 elements:
#> M1: Maximum age
#> if (age > 130) age = 130
#> M2: Unknown age
#> <- age < 0
#> M3: No Child Labor
#> income[age < 12] <- 0
#> M4: Retired
#> retired <- age > 67
#> M5: Age class
#> if (age < 18) age_class = "child" else age_class = "adult"
# setup the data
"age, income
11, 2000
150, 300
25, 2000
-10, 2000
" -> csv
income <- read.csv(text = csv, strip.white = TRUE)
dbWriteTable(con, "income", income)
tbl_income <- dplyr::tbl(con, "income")
# this is the table in the data base
#> # Source: table<income> [?? x 2]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.37.2 []
#> age income
#> <int> <int>
#> 1 11 2000
#> 2 150 300
#> 3 25 2000
#> 4 -10 2000
# and now after modification
modify(tbl_income, m, copy = FALSE)
#> # Source: table<income> [?? x 2]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.37.2 []
#> age income retired age_class
#> <int> <int> <int> <chr>
#> 1 11 0 0 child
#> 2 130 300 1 adult
#> 3 25 2000 0 adult
#> 4 NA 2000 NA <NA>
Generated sql can be written with dump_sql
dump_sql(m, tbl_income, file = "modify.sql")
-- -------------------------------------
-- Generated with dcmodifydb, do not edit
-- dcmodify version: 0.1.9
-- dcmodifydb version:
-- dplyr version: 1.0.8
-- dbplyr version: 2.1.1
-- from: 'example/example.yml'
-- date: 2022-03-11
-- -------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE `income`
ADD `retired` INT;
ALTER TABLE `income`
ADD `age_class` TEXT;
-- M1: Maximum age
-- Human age is limited. (can use "=")
-- Cap the age at 130
-- R expression: if (age > 130) age = 130
UPDATE `income`
SET `age` = 130
WHERE `age` > 130.0;
-- M2: Unknown age
-- Negative Age, nah...
-- (set to NA)
-- R expression: <- age < 0
UPDATE `income`
SET `age` = NULL
WHERE `age` < 0.0;
-- M3: No Child Labor
-- Children should not work. (R syntax)
-- Set income to zero for children.
-- R expression: income[age < 12] <- 0
UPDATE `income`
SET `income` = 0.0
WHERE `age` < 12.0;
-- M4: Retired
-- Derive a new variable...
-- R expression: retired <- age > 67
UPDATE `income`
SET `retired` = `age` > 67.0
-- M5: Age class
-- Derive a new variable with if else
-- R expression: if (age < 18) age_class = "child" else age_class = "adult"
UPDATE `income`
SET `age_class` = 'child'
WHERE `age` < 18.0;
UPDATE `income`
SET `age_class` = 'adult'
WHERE NOT(`age` < 18.0);
Note: Modification rules can be written to yaml with as_yaml
dcmodify::export_yaml(m, "cleaning_steps.yml")