The comic book collection community!
Welcome to the Longbox codebase, the platform that powers comic book collectors to track their reading habits across various platforms. This code is a work in progress and should be considered unstable, untested, and unsupported. With your help, we can build out Longbox's usability, scalability, and stability to better serve our community.
Longbox is open source software for allowing comic book fans to organize their collection and track their reading habits. Users can browse for new books and discover new things to read.
Future ideas and enhancements include:
- Create and share lists of books.
- Track a pull list of upcoming releases.
- Graph purchases and spending over time.
- Identify trending writers and artists in their collection.
Note: For development purposes, PostgreSQL runs in a docker container. In
production, PostgreSQL should run in its own environment and the
file should be updated.
We run on a Rails backend, a PostgreSQL database, with a React frontend written in TypeScript.
Installing to your local machine can be troublesome for many reasons such as a conflicting database and runtime versions. The best way to get a development environment up and running is with containers. They will set up everything you need in an isolated environment, and you need not worry about the details of setting everything up locally.
- Docker 20.10.5 or higher
- Docker Compose 1.27.4 or higher
Fork our repository, e.g.
Clone your forked repository, eg. git clone{your-username}/longbox.git
Configure the docker build environment by editing the .env file in the root directory. These settings configure which ports are exposed to the host machine.
Configure your environment variables/secrets. The entire config directory is ignored in git.
and add the following block (note: values are examples only):RUBY_VERSION="3.0.2" DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:@db DATABASE_NAME=longbox DATABASE_USERNAME=postgres DATABASE_PASSWORD=postgres RAILS_ENV=development RAILS_MASTER_KEY=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef SECRET_KEY_BASE=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef
and add the following block (note: values are examples only):POSTGRES_USERNAME=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
- Run
make build-local
- Run
make up-local
- Run
make logs-local
- Navigate to http://localhost
Note: you can also run multiple commands in make, such as: make build-local up-local logs-local
Thank you to the Line Awesome project for the usage of their icons.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License as published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Please see the LICENSE file in our repository for the full text.