A bundle that provides simple integration of the PHP League's Flysystem using service definitions.
Note: this bundle was conceived out of a desire to define multiple adapters and plugins through Symfony's service container instead of a bulky config section (defining filesystems by enabling bundles without editing the application configuration). I highly recommend using the OneupFlysystemBundle as it is official recongnised as the Symfony bridging package by Flysystem.
This bundle prefers to use the MountManager rather than individual filesystems. As such, cache providers and plugins are applied to the entire mount system, rather than the filesystems themselves.
This project is licensed under MIT.
This bundle relies on the following components:
- Symfony's HTTP Kernel component (for registering the bundle itself with the Symfony framework).
- Symfony's Dependency Injection component (for registering Flysystem's MountManager as services).
- Symfony's Config component (for loading service definition configuration files).
- The PHP League's Flysystem library, which this entire bundle is based upon.
If you wish to run tests, this bundle also requires some development dependencies:
- Sebastian Bergmann's PHPUnit for unit testing.
- SquizLabs' PHP CodeSniffer for reporting PSR-2 coding standards.
- Pádraic Brady's Humbug for mutation testing.
This bundle does not include dependencies for each filesystem type, you must require those in your composer.json
- To access an Amazon S3 filesystem, require
adapter. - To access an Azure filesystem, require
adapter. - To access a Copy.com filesystem, require
adapter. - To access a Dropbox filesystem, require
adapter. - To access a GridFS filesystem, require the
adapter. - To access a Rackspace filesystem, require the
adapter. - To access an SFTP filesystem, require the
adapter. - To access a WebDav filesystem, require the
adapter. - To access a Zip archive filesystem, require the
The Cache adapter is already included, however the eventable filesystem is not yet implemented in this bundle.
Include this bundle as a dependency of your project:
$ php composer.phar require "darsyn/fly-bundle:~0.1"
Next, activate the bundle in your application kernel:
class AppBundle
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new Darsyn\Bundle\FlyBundle\DarsynFlyBundle,
return $bundles;
Now that the bundle has been enabled, it will search for any services that you define that are tagged with either
or flysystem.plugin
every time the configuration is compiled (when the cache is cleared via
app/console cache:clear
or when changes are detected in debug mode).
To define Flysystem adapters, tag your service definitions with flysystem.adapter
and add a scheme attribute
(restricted to a letter followed by any number of letters, numbers, hyphens, period or plus signs; see section 3.1 of
RFC 3986).
The class defined by the tagged service definition must implement League\Flysystem\AdapterInterface
The following example shows how to implement adapters for Amazon's S3 and Dropbox:
# Put these parameter definitions in your "parameters.yml.dist" file.
amazon.key: ~
amazon.secret: ~
amazon.bucket: ~
dropbox.access_token: ~
dropbox.client_identifier: ~
# The adapters rely on these service definitions:
class: Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials
arguments: [ %amazon.key%, %amazon.secret% ]
class: Aws\S3\S3Client
factory: [ Aws\S3\S3Client, factory ]
arguments: [ { credentials: @aws_credentials } ]
class: Dropbox\Client
arguments: [ %dropbox.access_token%, %dropbox.client_identifier% ]
# These are the tagged adapter services:
class: League\Flysystem\AwsS3v2\AwsS3Adapter
arguments: [ @s3_client, %amazon.bucket% ]
- { name: flysystem.adapter, protocol: amazon }
class: League\Flysystem\Dropbox\DropboxAdapter
arguments: [ @dropbox_client ]
- { name: flysystem.adapter, protocol: dropbox }
The bundle comes with one adapter preset for you; a local filesystem with the scheme project
. It assumes your project
root directory is one above the kernel root directory, and uses that for this adapter.
The scheme for this adapter can be changed in the application configuration (or disabled completely if set to null):
project_adapter: project
Flysystem can be used in your application by fetching the mount manager service flysystem
and using it as described in
Flysystem's documentation.
class YourController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
$flysystem = $this->container->get('flysystem');
The flysystem
service is an alias for the darsyn_fly
service. You can change this service name (if there is a
conflict where another bundle provides a service of this name) in the application configuration (or disable it
completely by setting it to null).
The darsyn_fly
service will always be available.
alias: flysystem
Cache can be enabled globally for all adapters in the configuration via the darsyn_fly.cache
setting, but also per
adapter in its service configuration by adding the cache
attribute to an adapter tag.
The class defined in the service definition must implement League\Flysystem\Cached\CachedInterface
class: League\Flysystem\Cached\Storage\Memory
class: League\Flysystem\Cached\Storage\Predis
class: Dropbox\Client
arguments: [ %dropbox.access_token%, %dropbox.client_identifier% ]
class: League\Flysystem\Dropbox\DropboxAdapter
arguments: [ @dropbox_client ]
- { name: flysystem.adapter, scheme: dropbox, cache: adapter_cache_provider }
cache: global_cache_provider
Defining plugins to be applied to the mount manager is the same as defining adapters, but tagged with flysystem.plugin
instead (and no attributes are required).
The class defined in the service definition must implement League\Flysystem\PluginInterface
class: AppBundle\FlyPlugin\Example
- { name: flysystem.plugin }
Current authors include:
- Zander Baldwin <[email protected]> (on GitHub).
All contributions are welcome, don't forget to add your name here in the pull request!