Sample project for FP with Scala Course
- Go to the corresponding project's path and run the following commands:
sbt compile run
Summary: Create a user.
Description: Validate that the user doesn't exist in the table and then insert the new user into it.
Parameters: None
- In positive case it returns the user in JSON format.
- "The user with legal id already exists"
curl -X POST -d '{"legalId":"103","firstName":"Carlos","lastName":"Mendoza","email":"[email protected]","phone":"3158453256"}' http://localhost:8000/users
- Summary: Update USERS table
- Description: Validate that user exists in the database and overwrite its information with the new data in the corresponding row.
- Parameters: legalId
- Response: - String with validation message: "The user with legalId has been modified.". - If the user wasn't found: "Couldn't find the user with legalID "
- Example:
curl -X PUT -d '{"legalId":"103","firstName":"Camilo", "lastName":"Zuluaga", "email":"[email protected]", "phone":"3503247638"}' http://localhost:8000/users/103
- Summary: Retrieve all the users.
- Description: Retrieve all the users from the USERS table.
- Parameters: None
- Response:
- A list with all the users in JSON format.
- If there is no users it returns "There is no users created".
- Example:
curl http://localhost:8000/users
Summary: Retrieve the specified user.
Description: Retrieve the specified user from the USERS table.
Parameters: legalId
- The user in JSON format
- In negative case: "Couldn't find the user with legal id "
curl http://localhost:8000/users/103
Summary: Delete the specified user.
Description: Delete the specified user from the USERS table.
- "User deleted"
- Otherwise, it returns "Couldn't find the user with legal id "
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/users/103
- Carlos Mendoza
- Alejandro Rico
- Duván Agudelo
- David Quintero