Some examples of ROS 2 launch files in Python, XML, and YAML.
The launch files
, arg_examples.launch.xml
, and arg_examples.launch.yaml
show off some features
of argument declaration.
These were developed to try to understand ros2/launch#698
They simply declare and print a set of arguments.
Run (with .py
, .xml
, or, yaml
in place of <extension>
ros2 launch dz_launch_examples arg_examples.launch.<extension> simple_arg:=<some value>
The Python version also demonstrates:
- Iteration over a launch context's configuration to get the names and values of declared launch arguments
- Use of
to log information from the log file.
To see the declared arguments and their descriptions and valid choices, run:
ros2 launch dz_launch_examples arg_examples.launch.<extension> --show-args
This provides an example of returning several talker/listener node pairs in consecutively numbered namespaces, inspired by this post.
To launch three node pairs, for example, run:
ros2 launch dz_launch_examples num_node_pairs:=3