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A lightweight library for pure, reactive and composable state.


The Store in this library is a reactive lens: a partially applied, existentially quantified lens with a change listener.

import { Store } from 'reactive-lens'

const increment = x => x + 1
const decrement = x => x - 1

const store = Store.init({left: 0, right: 0})

store.on(x => console.log(x))'left').modify(increment)'right').modify(increment)'left').modify(decrement)

Hooking it up with the DOM:

import { Store } from 'reactive-lens'

const store = Store.init({left: '', right: ''})

function Input(store: Store<string>) {
  const input = document.createElement('input')
  input.value = store.get()
  store.on(x => input.value = x)
  input.addEventListener('input', function () { store.set(this.value) })

const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]

API overview

  • class Store
    • init
    • get
    • set
    • update
    • modify
    • on
    • ondiff
    • transaction
    • via
    • at
    • pick
    • omit
    • relabel
    • merge
    • arr
    • each
    • storage_connect
    • location_connect
  • attach
  • interface Lens
    • get
    • set
  • module Lens
    • lens
    • relabel
    • at
    • iso
    • pick
    • key
    • def
    • seq
    • omit
    • index
  • module Undo
    • undo
    • redo
    • advance
    • init
    • advance_to
    • can_undo
    • can_redo
  • interface Undo
    • now
    • prev
    • next
  • interface Stack
    • top
    • pop
  • module Requests
    • request_maker
    • request
    • process_requests
  • Diff
  • Omit


class Store

Store for some state

Store laws (assuming no listeners):

  1. s.set(a).get() = a

  2. s.set(s.get()).get() = s.get()

  3. s.set(a).set(b).get() = s.set(b).get()

Store laws with listeners:

  1. s.transaction(() => s.set(a).get()) = a

  2. s.transaction(() => s.set(s.get()).get()) = s.get()

  3. s.transaction(() => s.set(a).set(b).get()) = s.set(b).get()

A store is a partially applied, existentially quantified lens with a change listener.

  • init: <S>(s0: S) => Store<S>

    Make the root store (static method)

  • get: () => S

    Get the current value (which must not be mutated)

    const store = Store.init(1)
    // => 1
  • set: (s: S) => Store<S>

    Set the value

    const store = Store.init(1)
    // => 2

    Returns itself.

  • update: <K extends keyof S>(parts: { [k in K]: S[K]; }) => Store<S>

    Update some parts of the state, keep the rest constant

    const store = Store.init({a: 1, b: 2})
    store.update({a: 3})
    // => {a: 3, b: 2}

    Returns itself.

  • modify: (f: (s: S) => S) => Store<S>

    Modify the value in the store (must not use mutation: construct a new value)

    const store = Store.init(1)
    store.modify(x => x + 1)
    // => 2

    Returns itself.

  • on: (k: (s: S) => void) => () => void

    React on changes. Returns the unsubscribe function.

    const store = Store.init(1)
    let last
    const off = store.on(x => last = x)
    last // => 2
    last // => 2
  • ondiff: (k: (new_value: S, old_value: S) => void) => () => void

    React on a difference in value. Returns the unsubscribe function.

      const store = Store.init({a: 0})
      let diffs = 0
      const off = store.ondiff((new_value, old) => {
        assert.notEqual(new_value, old)
      diffs // => 0
      const object = {a: 1}
      store.set(object)            // diff: new object
      diffs                        // => 1
      store.set(object)            // no diff: same object
      diffs                        // => 1
      store.set({a: 2})            // diff: new object
      diffs                        // => 2
      store.set({a: 2})            // diff: this is yet another new literal object
      diffs                        // => 3
      store.set(store.get())       // no diff: same object
      diffs                        // => 3
      store.modify(x => x)         // no diff: same object
      diffs                        // => 3'a').modify(x => x) // diff: at does not see if the value actually changed
      diffs                        // => 4

    Note: keeps a reference to the last value in memory.

  • transaction: <A>(m: () => A) => A

    Start a new transaction: listeners are only invoked when the (top-level) transaction finishes, and not on set (and modify) inside the transaction.

    const store = Store.init(1)
    let last
    store.on(x => last = x)
    store.transaction(() => {
      assert.equal(last, undefined)
      return 3
    })   // => 3
    last // => 2
  • via: <T>(lens: Lens<S, T>) => Store<T>

    Zoom in on a subpart of the store via a lens

    const store = Store.init({a: 1, b: 2} as Record<string, number>)
    const a_store = store.via(Lens.key('a'))
    store.get() // => {a: 3, b: 2}
    a_store.get() // => 3
    store.get() // => {b: 2}
  • at: <K extends keyof S>(k: K) => Store<S[K]>

    Make a substore at a key

    const store = Store.init({a: 1, b: 2})'a').set(3)
    store.get() // => {a: 3, b: 2}'a').get() // => 3

    Note: the key must always be present.

  • pick: <Ks extends keyof S>(...ks: Array<Ks>) => Store<{ [K in Ks]: S[K]; }>

    Make a substore by picking many keys

    const store = Store.init({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})
    store.pick('a', 'b').get() // => {a: 1, b: 2}
    store.pick('a', 'b').set({a: 5, b: 4})
    store.get() // => {a: 5, b: 4, c: 3}

    Note: the keys must always be present.

  • omit: <K extends keyof S>(...ks: Array<K>) => Store<Omit<S, K>>

    Make a substore which omits some keys

    const store = Store.init({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})
    const cd = store.omit('a', 'b')
    cd.get() // => {c: 3, d: 4}
    cd.set({c: 5, d: 6})
    store.get() // {a: 1, b: 2, c: 5, d: 6}
  • relabel: <T>(stores: { [K in keyof T]: Store<T[K]>; }) => Store<T>

    Make a substore by relabelling

    const store = Store.init({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})
    const other = store.relabel({x:'a'), y:'b')})
    other.get() // => {x: 1, y: 2}
    other.set({x: 5, y: 4})
    store.get() // => {a: 5, b: 4, c: 3}

    Note: must not use the same part of the store several times.

  • merge: <T>(other: Store<T>) => Store<S & T>

    Merge two stores

    const store = Store.init({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})
    const small = store.pick('a')
    const other = small.merge(store.relabel({z:'c')}))
    other.get() // => {a: 1, z: 3}
    other.set({a: 0, z: 4})
    store.get() // => {a: 0, b: 2, c: 4}

    Note: the two stores must originate from the same root. Note: this store and the other store must both be objects. Note: must not use the same part of the store several times.

  • arr: <A, K extends "length" | "toString" | "toLocaleString" | "push" | "pop" | "concat" | "join" | "reverse" | "shift" | "slice" | "sort" | "splice" | "unshift" | "indexOf" | "lastIndexOf" | "every" | "some" | "forEach" | "map" | "filter" | "reduce" | "reduceRight">(store: Store<Array<A>>, k: K) => Array<A>[K]

    Set the value using an array method (purity is ensured because the spine is copied before running the function)

    const store = Store.init(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
    Store.arr(store, 'splice')(1, 2, 'x', 'y', 'z') // => ['b', 'c']
    store.get() // => ['a', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'd']

    (static method)

  • each: <A>(store: Store<Array<A>>) => Array<Store<A>>

    Get partial stores for each position currently in the array

    const store = Store.init(['a', 'b', 'c'])
    Store.each(store).map((substore, i) => substore.modify(s => s + i.toString()))
    store.get() // => ['a0', 'b1', 'c2']

    (static method)

    Note: exceptions are thrown when looking outside the array.

  • storage_connect: (key?: string, audit?: (s: S) => boolean, api?: { get: (key: string) => string; set: (key: string, data: string) => void; }) => () => void

    Connect with local storage

  • location_connect: (to_hash: (state: S) => string, from_hash: (hash: string) => S, api?: { get(): string; set(hash: string): void; on(cb: () => void): void; }) => () => void

    Connect with window.location.hash

  • attach: <S, VDOM>(render: (vdom: VDOM) => void, init_state: S, setup_view: (store: Store<S>) => () => VDOM) => (setup_next_view: (store: Store<S>) => () => VDOM) => void

    Attach a store with a virtual DOM, returning the reattach function for hot module reloading.

interface Lens

A lens: allows you to operate on a subpart T of some data S

Lenses must conform to these three lens laws:

l.get(l.set(s, t)) = t

l.set(s, l.get(s)) = s

l.set(l.set(s, a), b) = l.set(s, b)

  • get: (s: S) => T

    Get the value via the lens

  • set: (s: S, t: T) => S

    Set the value via the lens

module Lens

Common lens constructors and functions

  • lens: <S, T>(get: (s: S) => T, set: (s: S, t: T) => S) => Lens<S, T>

    Make a lens from a getter and setter

    Note: lenses are subject to the three lens laws

  • relabel: <S, T>(lenses: { [K in keyof T]: Lens<S, T[K]>; }) => Lens<S, T>

    Lens from a record of lenses

    Note: must not use the same part of the store several times.

  • at: <S, K extends keyof S>(k: K) => Lens<S, S[K]>

    Lens to a key in a record

    Note: the key must always be present.

  • iso: <S, T>(f: (s: S) => T, g: (t: T) => S) => Lens<S, T>

    Make a lens from an isomorphism.

    const store = Store.init(5)
    const doubled = store.via(Lens.iso(x => 2 * x, x => x / 2))
    doubled.get() // => 10
    store.get() // => 25
    doubled.modify(x => x * 2).get() // => 100
    store.get() // => 50

    Note: requires that for all s and t we have f(g(t)) = t and g(f(s)) = s

  • pick: <S, Ks extends keyof S>(...keys: Array<Ks>) => Lens<S, { [K in Ks]: S[K]; }>

    Lens to a keys in a record

    Note: the keys must always be present.

  • key: <S, K extends keyof S>(k: K) => Lens<S, S[K]>

    Lens to a key in a record which may be missing

    Note: setting the value to undefined removes the key from the record.

  • def: <A>(missing: A) => Lens<A, A>

    Lens which refer to a default value instead of undefined

    const store = Store.init({a: 1, b: 2} as Record<string, number>)
    const a_store = store.via(Lens.key('a')).via(Lens.def(0))
    store.get() // => {a: 3, b: 2}
    a_store.get() // => 3
    store.get() // => {b: 2}
    a_store.modify(x => x + 1)
    store.get() // => {a: 1, b: 2}
  • seq: <S, T, U>(lens1: Lens<S, T>, lens2: Lens<T, U>) => Lens<S, U>

    Compose two lenses sequentially

  • omit: <S, K extends keyof S>(...ks: Array<K>) => Lens<S, Omit<S, K>>

    Make a lens which omits some keys

  • index: <A>(i: number) => Lens<Array<A>, A>

    Partial lens to a particular index in an array

    const store = Store.init([0, 1, 2, 3])
    const first = store.via(Lens.index(0))
    first.get() // => 0
    store.get() // => [99, 1, 2, 3]

    Note: an exception is thrown if you look outside the array.

module Undo

History zipper functions

const {undo, redo, advance, advance_to} = Undo
const store = Store.init(Undo.init({a: 1, b: 2}))
const modify = op => store.modify(op)
const now ='now')
now.get() // => {a: 1, b: 2}
modify(advance_to({a: 3, b: 4}))
now.get() // => {a: 3, b: 4}
now.get() // => {a: 1, b: 2}
now.get() // => {a: 3, b: 4}
now.update({a: 5})
now.get() // => {a: 5, b: 4}
now.get() // => {a: 3, b: 4}
now.get() // => {a: 1, b: 2}
now.get() // => {a: 1, b: 2}
  • undo: <S>(h: Undo<S>) => Undo<S>

    Undo iff there is a past

  • redo: <S>(h: Undo<S>) => Undo<S>

    Redo iff there is a future

  • advance: <S>(h: Undo<S>) => Undo<S>

    Advances the history by copying the present state

  • init: <S>(now: S) => Undo<S>

    Initialise the history

  • advance_to: <S>(s: S) => (h: Undo<S>) => Undo<S>

    Advances the history to some new state

  • can_undo: <S>(h: Undo<S>) => boolean

    Is there a state to undo to?

  • can_redo: <S>(h: Undo<S>) => boolean

    Is there a state to redo to?

interface Undo

History zipper

  • now: S

  • prev: Stack<S>

  • next: Stack<S>

interface Stack

A non-empty stack

  • top: S

  • pop: Stack<S>

module Requests

Utility functions to make Elm/Redux-style requests

A queue of requests are maintained in an array.

TODO: Document and test.

  • request_maker: <R>(store: Store<Array<R>>) => (request: R) => void

    Make a function for making requests

  • request: <R>(store: Store<Array<R>>, request: R) => void

    Make a request

  • process_requests: <R>(store: Store<Array<R>>, process: (request: R) => void) => () => void

    Process requests, one at a time

    Retuns the off function.

  • Diff: undefined

  • Omit: undefined


A lightweight library for pure, reactive and composable state.





