Dynare is one of the most used tools by economist who work with macroeconomics. This project attempts to create a syntax highlighting for Dynare in Atom.
So far, I have implemented the following:
- Parameters, var, varexo, varobs are already highlighted
- stoch_simul, check and steady are already highlighted
- Multi line comments and one line comments are in light gray
- Blocks for initval, endval, model and shocks
- Stochastic and deterministic commands have different colors: deterministic commands are in blue
- Greek letters are highlighted, so one can easy find parameters in an usual model
- Red background when you forget to end the line with ; - although it will highlight even when you don't want the ; (eg.: multiline equations)
- Some macro commands are already implemented and should be highlighted in cyan
Atom is an editor that is really easy to use and supports multiple programming languages - and best of all, it's free. You can download it at http://atom.io
While this package is not avaible at the packages section of atom, you can download it and put the language-dynare folder in the /your-username/.atom/packages. It should work without any problem.