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GOsc - Simplify your waste-bytes helper functions

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GOsc is an helper package for Go, written to be user friendly with alias and simple examples.

If you need a new helper, please open an issue and if you have already the code, thank you!


Install the package from your terminal with go get and then import it in your project: import "".

Available helpers


  • Some / Any - Check if at least one item of the given slice satisfies the given function.
  • Every / All - Check if all items of the given slice satisfy the given function.
  • Map - Apply the given function to the given slice.
  • Filter - Filter out to the given slice the items that don't satisfy the given function.
  • Index - Find the index of an item in the given slice.
  • Indexi - Find the index of an item in the given slice. (Case Insenstive)
  • Delete - Delete an item from a slice.
  • Rsort - Reverse the order (desc) of an ordered slice.
  • EqSlices - Check if two slices are equal.
  • SliceRand - Retrieve a random item from the given slice.
  • InSlice - Check if a value is in the given slice.


  • ToBytes - Convert a string into a bytes slice.
  • ByteToString - Convert a bytes slice into a string.
  • Rstring - Reverse a string (every character).
  • LcFirst - Convert the first character to the string to LowerCase.
  • UcFirst - Convert the first character to the string to UpperCase.
  • ToSnake - Convert a string to snake_case.
  • ToCamel - Convert a string to camelCase.
  • ToPascal - Convert a string to PascalCase.
  • ToKebab - Convert a string to kebab-case (aka slug).
  • ToInt - Convert a string to an int.
  • ToInt64 - Convert a string to an int64.
  • ToUint - Convert a string to a uint.
  • ToBase64 - Encode a string in base64.
  • FromBase64 - Decode a string from base64.
  • IsBool - Check if a string is a boolean.
  • IsEmail - Check if a string is an email address.
  • IsURL - Check if a string is a valid URL.
  • IsJSON - Check if a string is a valid JSON document.
  • IsIP - Check if a string is an IPv4.
  • IsHexColor - Check if a string is a hex color.
  • IsRGBColor - Check if a string is a RGB color.
  • IsCreditCard - Check if a string is a valid credit card.
  • IsOnlyDigits - Check if a string contains only numbers.
  • IsOnlyLetters - Check if a string contains only letters.
  • IsOnlyAlphaNumeric - Check if a string contains only letters and numbers.
  • Uniq - Generate a unique token based on current time and hashed in sha256.
  • StrRand - Generate a random string of the given size.
  • UUID - Generate a UUID v4 according to RFC 4122.


  • IsInt - Check if a string is an integer.
  • IsFloat - Check if a string is a float number and numbers.
  • Utoa - Transform a uint into a string.
  • Rand - Pick a random int from the given range.

To do

  • Slice reduce
  • Slice unique
  • Slice shuffle
  • Map key exists
  • Map keys
  • Map values


The detailed list of helpers with examples.

Some / Any

Check if at least one item of the given slice satisfies the given function.
Methods: SomeString, SomeInt, SomeFloat
Alias: AnyString, AnyInt, AnyFloat

slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
slice2 := []int{3, 5}

fmt.Println(SomeString(slice1, func(s string) bool {
  return strings.HasPrefix(s, "ba")
})) // true
fmt.Println(AnyInt(slice2, func(i int) bool {
  return i%2 == 0
})) // false

Every / All

Check if all items of the given slice satisfy the given function.
Methods: EveryString, EveryInt, EveryFloat
Alias: AllString, AllInt, AllFloat

slice1 := []string{"bar", "baz"}
slice2 := []int{0, 2, 5}

fmt.Println(EveryString(slice1, func(s string) bool {
  return strings.HasPrefix(s, "ba")
})) // true
fmt.Println(AllInt(slice2, func(i int) bool {
  return i%2 == 0
})) // false


Apply the given function to the given slice.
Methods: MapString, MapInt, MapFloat

slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
slice2 := []int{3, 5}

fmt.Println(MapString(slice1, strings.ToUpper) // [FOO BAR BAZ]
fmt.Println(MapInt(slice2, func(i int) int {
  return i*2
})) // [6 10]


Filter out to the given slice the items that don't satisfy the given function.
Methods: FilterString, FilterInt, FilterFloat

slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
slice2 := []int{3, 5}

fmt.Println(FilterString(slice1, func(s string) bool {
  return strings.HasPrefix(s, "ba")
})) // [bar baz]
fmt.Println(FilterInt(slice2, func(i int) bool {
  return i%2 == 0
})) // []


Find the index of an item in the given slice.
Return: int (-1 if not found)

slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
slice2 := []int{3, 5}

fmt.Println(Index(&slice1, "baz")) // 2
fmt.Println(Index(&slice2, 6) // -1


Find the index of an item in the given slice. (Case Insensitive)
Return: int (-1 if not found)

slice1 := []string{"foo", "BAR", "baz"}

fmt.Println(Index(&slice1, "BaR")) // 1


Delete an item from a slice.
Supported types: string, int, float64

slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "lazy", "dog"}
slice2 := []int{5, -3, 64}

Delete(&slice1, 2)
Delete(&slice2, 0)

fmt.Println(slice1) // [foo bar dog]
fmt.Println(slice2) // [-3 64]


Reverse the order (desc) of an ordered slice.
Alias: ReverseSort

slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "lazy", "dog"}
slice2 := []int{5, -3, 64}


fmt.Println(slice1) // [lazy foo dog bar]
fmt.Println(slice2) // [64 5 -3]


Check if two slices are equal (not in depth, use reflect.DeepEqual for that).
Return: bool

slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar"}
slice2 := []int{5, -3, 64}

fmt.Println(EqSlices(&slice1, &[]string{"foo","bar"})) // true
fmt.Println(EqSlices(&slice2, &slice1)) // false
fmt.Println(EqSlices(&slice2, &[]int{-3, 5, 64})) // false
fmt.Println(EqSlices(&slice2, &[]int{5, -3, 64})) // true


Retrieve a random item from the given slice. If you don't want to assign it to a variable, please look the other functions at the end.

slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "lazy", "dog"}
slice2 := []int{5, -3, 64, 777}

var randomString string
var randomInt int

SliceRand(&slice1, &randomString)
SliceRand(&slice2, &randomInt)

fmt.Println(randomString) // My output: bar
fmt.Println(randomInt) // My output: -3


Check if a value is in the given slice.

slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "lazy", "dog"}
slice2 := []int{5, -3, 64, 777}

fmt.Println(InSlice("lazy", &slice1)) // frue
fmt.Println(InSlice(55, &slice2)) // false



Convert a string into a bytes slice.
Return: []byte

fmt.Println(gosc.ToBytes("Foo")) // [70 111 111]


Convert a bytes slice into a string.
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.ByteToString([]byte{70, 111, 111})) // Foo


Reverse a string (every character).
alias: ReverseString
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.Rstring("foo")) // oof
fmt.Println(gosc.ReverseString("소주")) // 주소


Convert the first character to the string to LowerCase.
alias: LowerFirst
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.LcFirst("Foo")) // foo
fmt.Println(gosc.LowerFirst("소주")) // 소주


Convert the first character to the string to UpperCase.
alias: UpperFirst
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.UcFirst("foo")) // Foo
fmt.Println(gosc.UpperFirst("소주")) // 소주


Convert a string to snake_case.
alias: ToSnakeCase
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.ToSnake("Foo 123")) // foo_123
fmt.Println(gosc.ToSnakeCase("camelCase")) // camel_case


Convert a string to camelCase.
alias: ToCamelCase
Return: string
Known bugs:

  • [] Doesn't lowercase the string
fmt.Println(gosc.ToCamel("foo bar")) // fooBar
fmt.Println(gosc.ToCamelCase("kebab-case")) // kebabCase


Convert a string to PascalCase.
alias: ToPascalCase
Return: string
Known bugs:

  • [] Doesn't lowercase the string
fmt.Println(gosc.ToPascal("foo bar")) // FooBar
fmt.Println(gosc.ToPascalCase("kebab-case")) // KebabCase


Convert a string to kebab-case.
alias: ToKebabCase
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.ToKebab("Foo bAr")) // foo-bar
fmt.Println(gosc.ToKebabCase("snake_case")) // snake-case


Convert a string to an int.
Return: int

fmt.Println(gosc.ToInt("-53")) // -53
fmt.Println(gosc.ToInt("542.8")) // 542
fmt.Println(gosc.ToInt("foo")) // 0


Convert a string to an int64. Return: int64

fmt.Println(gosc.ToInt64("-53")) // -53
fmt.Println(gosc.ToInt64("542.8")) // 542
fmt.Println(gosc.ToInt64("foo")) // 0


Convert a string to a uint.
Return: uint

fmt.Println(gosc.ToUint("2")) // 2
fmt.Println(gosc.ToUint("-53")) // 0
fmt.Println(gosc.ToUint("542.8")) // 542
fmt.Println(gosc.ToUint("foo")) // 0


Encode a string in base64.
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.ToBase64("abc〩")) // YWJj44Cp


Decode a string from base64.
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.FromBase64("YWJj44Cp")) // abc〩
fmt.Println(gosc.FromBase64("fake")) // ""


Check if a string is a boolean.
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsBool("false")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsBool("foo")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsBool("5")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsBool("1")) // true


Check if a string is an email address.
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsEmail("[email protected]")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsEmail("foo")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsEmail("")) // false


Check if a string is a valid URL.
Return: bool
Known bugs:

  • [] Other protocols (such as FTP) return true
  • [] Just the procotol returns true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsURL("")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsURL("https://github")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsURL("")) // true


Check if a string is a valid JSON document.
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsJSON("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsJSON("")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsJSON("[1]")) // true


Check if a string is an IPv4.
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsIP("")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsIP("")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsIP("")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsIP("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsIP("D8-D3-85-EB-12-E3")) // false


Check if a string is a hex color.
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsHexColor("#fff")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsHexColor("fff")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsHexColor("#ffff")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsHexColor("#ggg")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsHexColor("rgb(255, 255, 255)")) // false


Check if a string is a RGB color.
alias: IsRGB
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsRGBColor("rgb(255, 255, 255)")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsRGBColor("rgb(255, 255, 256)")) // false (out of range)
fmt.Println(gosc.IsRGBColor("rgb(255, 255)")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsRGB("rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsRGB("#fff")) // false


Check if a string is a valid credit card.
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsCreditCard("4653 0343 2480 9848")) // true (Visa)
fmt.Println(gosc.IsCreditCard("4653-0343-2480-9848")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsCreditCard("1111-0343-2480-9848")) // false (not valid vendor)
fmt.Println(gosc.IsCreditCard("5321 7873 3201 8954")) // true (Mastercard)
fmt.Println(gosc.IsCreditCard("3421-941266-26371")) // true (American Express)
fmt.Println(gosc.IsCreditCard("주주주주-주주주주-주주주주-주주주주")) // false


Check if a string contains only numbers.
alias: IsOnlyNumbers Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyDigits("1234")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyDigits("-1")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyNumbers("foo")) // false


Check if a string contains only letters.
alias: IsOnlyAlpha Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyLetters("foo")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyLetters("foo3")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyAlpha("주")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyAlpha("")) // false


Check if a string contains only letters and numbers.
alias: IsOnlyLettersNumbers, IsOnlyAlphaNum
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyAlphaNumeric("foo")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyAlphaNumeric("foo3")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyAlpha("주")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsOnlyAlpha("")) // false


Generate a unique token based on current time and hashed in sha256.
alias: Unique
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.Uniq()) // My output: 839079123b9223727c31982cedc4e63f880a91a26591532f08185453d20db497


Generate a random string of the given size.
alias: RandStr, RandomString
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.StrRand(12)) // My output: BbikfUNZdXCS


Generate a UUID v4 according to RFC 4122.
Return: string

fmt.Println(gosc.UUID()) // My output: 8e67e7ae-d674-4470-9345-35511fed974a



Check if a string is an integer.
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsInt("5")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsInt("-3")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsInt("76.9")) // false
fmt.Println(gosc.IsInt("foo")) // false


Check if a string is a float number.
Return: bool

fmt.Println(gosc.IsFloat("76.9")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsFloat("5")) // true
fmt.Println(gosc.IsFloat("foo")) // false


Transform a uint into a string.
Return: string

var i uint = 5
fmt.Println(gosc.Utoa(i)) // "5"


Pick a random int from the given range.
Return: int

fmt.Println(Rand(1, 999)) // My output: 508