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Hello! I'm Daniel Sada. I've covered most of this algorithms in classes before, but I didn't implement them myself, and see what roadblocks I've got. I'm trying to do an algorithm or two a day or at least try to solve a problem a day. I'll be alternating between new algorithms and working in problems with those algorithms.

Running unit tests.

Clone the project, then run :

python -m unittest discover algorithms/test -v

Topics to cover:

  • union-find
  • binary search
  • stacks
  • queues
  • insertion sort
  • selection sort
  • shellsort
  • quicksort
  • 3-way quicksort
  • mergesort
  • heapsort
  • Graham scan
  • binary heaps
  • binary search trees
  • kd-trees
  • red−black trees
  • depth-first search
  • breadth-first search
  • topological sort
  • Kosaraju−Sharir
  • Kruskal
  • Prim
  • Dijkistra
  • Bellman−Ford
  • Ford−Fulkerson
  • LSD radix sort
  • MSD radix sort
  • 3-way radix quicksort
  • multiway tries
  • ternary search tries
  • Knuth−Morris−Pratt
  • Boyer-Moore
  • Rabin−Karp
  • regular expression matching
  • run-length coding
  • Huffman coding
  • LZW compression
  • Ford fulkerson flow graphs.

Machine Learning

  • Linear Regression
  • Training and Loss
  • Gradient Descent
  • Learning Rates and Batch vs Stochastic learning.
  • Tensorflow implemented linear regression.

Syntax Matching

  • Syntax matching for atomlike editors.

Day to Day log.

Day 1:

  • Quick Find
  • Quick Union

Day 2:

  • Union Find
  • Weighted Union Find
  • Flattened Path Union Find

Day 3:

  • (partial) (undirected) Graph API

Day 4:

  • (finished) (undirected) Graph API
  • Graph API tests.
  • Depth-First search initialization

Day 5:

  • Path between two nodes with backtracking.
  • Breath-first search (not finished)

Day 6:

  • Breath-first search
  • Breath-first tests

Day 7:

  • Connected components

Day 8:

  • Bipartite Graph Problem

Day 9:

  • Heap
  • MinHeap

Day 10:

  • Min Heap

Day 11:

  • Min Heap
  • Max Heap
  • Heap Unit tests.

Day 12:

  • Bipartite grahps
  • Bipartite graph tests.

Day 13:

  • Refactoring some components to use .V instead of .num_V(), more pythonic.
  • Directed Graph API
  • Started Topological Sort

Day 14:

  • Finished topological sort. (tests pending)
  • Finished undirected graph cycle detection.
  • Added tests to connected components.
  • Started directed cycle detection.

Day 15:

  • Finished directed cycle detection
  • Kosajaru-Sharir algoritms for strongly connected components
  • Added tests for topological sort
  • Added reversal of directed graphs
  • A sample stack problem, as we are in python.

Day 16:

  • Binary search problem for completion.

Day 17:

  • Created Snippets for faster coding.
  • Selection Sort

Day 18:

  • insertion sort
  • shellsort

Day 19:

  • Weighted Graph and Edge API and
  • Minimum Spanning Trees API.

Day 20:

  • Kruskal's implementation for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree of a Weighted Graph.

Day 21:

  • Mergesort implemented specifically for python.

Day 22:

  • Sorting tests for shell sort, insertion sort, selection sort, etc. Standardize all sorts to have the same property .sorted

Day 23:

  • Quicksort

Day 24:

  • Dijkstra's Three way quicksort

Day 25:

  • Added priority (Which is only a Max Heap that implements total ording)
  • Implemented tupled ordering in max heap to make max heap usable for a priority queue.
  • Added tests for max heaps with tuples and priority queues.

Day 26:

  • Started working on Binary Search Trees and Symbol tables.

Day 27:

  • Finished Binary Search Tree get and put implementations,
  • Added some unit tests for bst

Day 28:

  • Added ceiling, floor min and max to bst.

Day 29:

  • Added python iterators
  • Started rank

Day 30:

  • Started working on hibbard's deletion for binary search trees
  • adding some unit tests, debugging some bugs.

Day 31:

  • Bugfixing, bst methods should take keys, not items.
  • Added more unit tests.

Day 32 :

  • Started to learn (and code) red black trees.

Day 33:

  • Implemented rotate left, rotate right, move left move right and put for Red Black Trees

Day 34:

  • Finished Red Black Tree Deletion,
  • RBT Minimum,
  • Balancing the tree.

Day 35:

  • Linted the entire project, fixed all of the warnings in the files.

Day 36:

  • Learned about kd trees.
  • Added some more tests to BSTs
  • level order traversal for BST.

Day 37:

  • Added unit tests to my Red Black tree implementation.
  • Bugfixing RBTs
  • Discovered delete min was not implemented correctly

Day 38:

  • Learned about 1D and 2D interval search with BSTs
  • Implemented in some cases python len repr build_subclass etc, also add.

Day 39:

  • More changes in imports.
  • started prim's algorithm for MSTs
  • Seeing whether a contains method is useful in a MST.

Day 40:

  • Kept working on prim's algorithm for minimum spanning trees.
  • I added some unit tests for prim.
  • Dunder methods for Heap, PQ, Edge, etc.

Day 41:

  • Finally finished Prim's algorithm.
  • Added Heap unit tests, priority queue unit tests, fixed weighted graph.
  • Added tests for weighted graphs.

Day 42:

  • Read about Delaunay's Triangulation and Voronoi diagrams.
  • Learned about how Prim & Kruskal's algorithms can be used for k-clustering and that it can be close to linear.
  • Implemented Directed Weighted Graphs API.

Day 43:

  • Started working on Dijkstra
  • MinimumIndexedPriority queues.

Day 44:

  • Continued implementing Dijkstra implemented with MinimumIndixedPriority queues

Day 45:

  • Did Dijkstra unit test, still debugging.

Day 46:

  • Finished Dijkstra implementation with Indexed Minimum Priority Queues

Day 47:

  • Implemented Bellman-Ford for negative directed graphs without negative cycles.

Day 48:

  • Added unit tests for Bellman-Ford.(& fixed a bug! :D)
  • Started learning about the min-cut/max-flow problems. I was ecstatic that they are equivalent! It is amazing to see it.

Day 49:

  • Finished learning about the Ford-Fulkerson.
  • Started Least Significant Digit radix sort.

Day 50:

  • Unit tests for String sorts
  • Finished LSD radix sort.

Day 51:

  • Coded and unit tested MSD radix sort
  • Coded and unit tested three way radix sort.

Day 52:

  • Learned R-Way Tries
  • Ternary Search Tries.
  • Started coding them.

Day 53:

  • R-Way tries
  • Ternary search trees.
  • Unit tests for symbol tables

Day 54:

  • Learned about Knuth-Morris-Pratt
  • Learned about Boyer-Moore
  • Created DFA on paper to understand it.

Day 55:

  • Coded Knuth-Morris-Pratt
  • Started Boyer-Moore

Day 56:

  • Finished Boyer-Moore
  • Updated logbook.

Day 57:

  • Boyer-Moore Tests
  • KMP and Boyer-Moore benchmarking start

Day 58:

  • Boyer moore UT finished.
  • Benchmarks: (I expected find to win as it is implemented in CPython) BoyerMoore took 0.655519962310791 secs. Find took 0.006417036056518555 secs. KnuthMP took 0.8751339912414551 secs

Day 59:

  • Learned about Rabin-Karp hashtag substring search, and run time length encoding.

Day 60:

  • Started BinaryStreams API and Unit tests. This gives way to Data Compression algorithms.

Day 61:

  • Learned about Huffman Compression with Shannon-Fano codes (which has a 4.7 bits/char rating),
  • Learned about Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression. (which has a 3.32 bits/char rating)

Day 62:


Day 63:

  • Worked on learning Linear Programming, with Brewers problem for solving maximization of variables with constraints.

Day 64:

  • Started implementing Simplex algorithm. Simplex let's you maximize profits, given a set of constraints.

Day 65:

  • Finished simplex.

Day 66:

  • Tensorflow start. Learning from Google's crash course of machine learning.
  • Learned about linear regressions
  • Stochastic gradient descent

Day 67:

  • First Tensorflow program (linear)

Day 68:

  • Mock interviews with (stack problam and preorder traversal)

Day 69:

  • Dynamic programming lessons. Reviewing past problems.

Day 70:

  • Learned about Generalization, Validation, Training and Test sets for machine learning.

Day 71:

  • Coding exercise on Jupyter notebook on Model Validation.

Day 72:

  • Started to learn how to do syntax highlighting for @code working on porting @todotxt

Day 73:

  • BREAK. Finals week.

Day 74:

  • Finished Syntax highliting, got into a roadblock but learned what I wanted to learn.

Day 75:

  • Worked on FordFulkerson algorithm for Max-Flow and Capacity (Max Flow, Min Cut)

Day 76:

  • Worked on a flow network implementation for implementing the FordFulkerson algorithm.

Day 77:

  • Experimented a bit with CORS headers, kept working on the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

Day 78:

  • Micro service deployment architectures,
  • I'm trying to enable CORS between all of them. Hell raised. I know CORS is for security, but whoa..

Day 79:

  • Worked on a phong shader & a yaw and pitch camera based on Euler angles using quaternions. (private repo)

Day 80:

  • Cleaned up project, pausing for internship.

Day 81:

  • Renamed tests to be auto-discoverable, adding more tests to the suite, removing print statements from all the sides so we get a clean test pass.

Day 82:

  • Ran coverage report for all the unit tests
python -m coverage run -m unittest discover algorithms/test -v
coverage report
coverage html

Initial values:

Name Stmts Miss Cover
algorithms\ 1 0 100%
algorithms\bfs\ 32 9 72%
algorithms\ 0 0 100%
algorithms\binarysearchtree\ 148 33 78%
algorithms\binarysearchtree\ 9 0 100%
algorithms\binarysearchtree\ 10 0 100%
algorithms\binarysearchtree\ 158 47 70%
algorithms\ 4 0 100%
algorithms\dfs\ 41 4 90%
algorithms\dfs\ 26 1 96%
algorithms\dfs\ 29 9 69%
algorithms\dfs\ 22 1 95%
algorithms\ 1 0 100%
algorithms\digraph\ 27 10 63%
algorithms\ 3 0 100%
algorithms\heaps\ 34 0 100%
algorithms\heaps\ 53 8 85%
algorithms\heaps\ 39 4 90%
algorithms\ 0 0 100%
algorithms\mst\ 37 0 100%
algorithms\ 2 0 100%
algorithms\priorityqueue\ 65 19 71%
algorithms\priorityqueue\ 20 2 90%
algorithms\ 0 0 100%
algorithms\shortestpaths\ 41 8 80%
algorithms\shortestpaths\ 64 34 47%
algorithms\ 0 0 100%
algorithms\sorts\ 20 0 100%
algorithms\sorts\ 33 2 94%
algorithms\sorts\ 27 0 100%
algorithms\sorts\ 21 1 95%
algorithms\sorts\ 26 0 100%
algorithms\ 0 0 100%
algorithms\stack\ 27 5 81%
algorithms\stringsorts\ 20 0 100%
algorithms\stringsorts\ 32 1 97%
algorithms\ 0 0 100%
algorithms\stringsorts\ 20 1 95%
algorithms\ 0 0 100%
algorithms\substrsearch\ 36 0 100%
algorithms\substrsearch\ 35 0 100%
algorithms\test\ 18 1 94%
algorithms\test\ 26 1 96%
algorithms\test\ 10 1 90%
algorithms\test\ 67 1 99%
algorithms\test\ 75 1 99%
algorithms\test\ 12 1 92%
algorithms\test\ 64 1 98%
algorithms\test\ 30 1 97%
algorithms\test\ 29 1 97%
algorithms\test\ 34 1 97%
algorithms\test\ 41 1 98%
algorithms\test\ 59 1 98%
algorithms\test\ 16 0 100%
algorithms\test\ 38 1 97%
algorithms\test\ 35 1 97%
algorithms\test\ 29 1 97%
algorithms\test\ 27 1 96%
algorithms\tries\ 35 1 97%
algorithms\tries\ 44 1 98%
algorithms\ 1 0 100%
algorithms\ugraph\ 22 1 95%
algorithms\ 1 0 100%
algorithms\unionfind\ 24 0 100%
algorithms\unionfind\ 16 0 100%
algorithms\unionfind\ 18 0 100%
algorithms\unionfind\ 23 0 100%
algorithms\ 4 0 100%
algorithms\weightedgraph\ 14 1 93%
algorithms\weightedgraph\ 25 9 64%
algorithms\weightedgraph\ 20 2 90%
algorithms\weightedgraph\ 31 6 81%

For the following days, I'll keep adding coverage up to 100%

  • Improved BFS coverage to 92% from 72%

Day 83:

  • Improved BFS coverage from 92% to 100%
  • Improved BST coverage from 78% to 93% and fixed bugs caught by UTs

Day 84:

  • Improved red black tree coverage from 70% to 79% there is a lot of work remaining to make them awesome.

Day 85:

  • Added basic tests to Bellman-Ford.
  • Started working on Ford-Fulkerson and examples of the min-flow max-cut theorem, code right now is partially done, and hopefully ready to be advanced.

Day 86:

  • Implement matrix multiplication in preparation for fibbonaci "investigation"
  • Tests for matrix multiplication

Day 87:

  • Messing around with re-implementing BoyerMoore
  • Try to implement it from scratch and memory.

Day 88:

  • Implemented sliding window to find permutation
  • Added inline UTs for sliding window

Day 89:

  • Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K
  • Added inline UTs
  • Practice two pointer problems

Day 90:

  • Subarrays with Product Less than a Target

Day 91:

  • Started learning Intervals, implemented given a set of intervals, merge them.

Day 92:

  • Find if given some intervals, a given person can attend all meetings.
  • Add BFS and DFS Kata, to keep both fresh. - A kata usually is something you can practice repeatedly to get quick with implementing certain patterns.

Day 93:

  • Started guidesheet with most common algorithms from Grokking.
  • Started islands problem with DFS.

Day 94:

  • Added islands for finding islands in a lake, a simple application of DFS with UTs
  • Added a couple of linked-list exercises (reversal, middle) to keep memory fresh, with UTs.

Day 95:

  • Implemented middle of a stream problem with two heaps, found out that maxheaps in python are just negative minheaps
  • Started subsets exercises.

Day 96:

  • Implemented subsets, and permutations the "easy" way.
  • Investigated itertools for easy convenience to methods

Day 97:

  • Explored some of the collection library in python, a bit of the oscure methods of deque, Counter, defaultdict and more. I already knew them, but getting more proficient with them