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Releases: danielepantaleone/eddy

Eddy v0.12

26 May 18:49
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This release provides 2 minor fixes:

  • Fix impossibility to save ontology projects when a description is added to Individual nodes.
  • Fix importing of project metadata when no predicate is defined in the current ontology.

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01 Apr 17:17
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This release solve an issue discovered in v0.10.1 related to the impossibility to save new ontology diagrams.

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Eddy v0.10.1

23 Dec 16:17
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Eddy v0.10.1 Pre-release

Patch release which solves an issue discovered in v0.10 resulting in the impossibility of using Role chain and Property Assertion nodes.

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Eddy v0.10

20 Dec 13:22
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Eddy v0.10 Pre-release

This release carries some major changes to Graphol ontologies structure and add some more functionalities to deal with Graphol ontologies. Following the complete changelog since version v0.9.2:

  • Predicates occurrences menu in predicate nodes contextual menu now shows which is the current occurrence of the selected predicate.
  • Updated Graphol project structure: now the whole Graphol ontology is constrained into a single .graphol file, which helps in identifying the Graphol ontology as a .graphol file instead of a set of files
  • Added Graphol ontology import system.
  • Added ontology import conflict resolver utility: the utility is triggered whenever an import from .graphol or .graphml file format is performed.
  • Changed plugin system to perform plugins module lookup only at first session startup: this fixes some of the strange bugs appearing when dealing with the Palette or Info widget.
  • Added possibility to run multiple working sessions concurrently.
  • Allow users to move diagram nodes using keyboard arrows.
  • Fixed OWLAnnionation export which was lowercasing all the annotation content and stripping out newline characters.
  • Fixed OWL exporter which was discarding some axioms involving AND and OR nodes.
  • Fixed random crashes appearing when dragging diagrams using the mouse right button.
  • Added ontology version.

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Eddy v0.9.2

18 Nov 17:29
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Eddy v0.9.2 Pre-release

Minor release which solves some problems discovered in v0.9.1 and introduces some new features:

  • Added occurrences submenu to predicate nodes contextual menu: list the occurrences of the selected predicate nodes across the whole project (available for Concept, Role, Attribute nodes).
  • Allow the composition of domain and range restrictions in a single action for Role and Attribute nodes.
  • Allow the composition of domain and range restrictions for multiple selected Role and Attribute nodes.
  • Changed diagram grid size: 20px --> 10px.
  • Changed rubberband selection mechanism: the selection now happens only upon mouse release and the selection algorithm will discard all the edges covered by the rubberband selector that have one of the endpoints outside the rubberband area (not in the current selection).
  • Make use of CTRL keyboard modifier to obtain multiple selection areas through rubberband selection functionality.
  • Use BspTreeIndex to spatially index diagram elements: this solve the major delay problems experiences when modifying diagrams with a large abundance of nodes and edges.
  • Use of shortcuts for Role and Attribute restrictions composition: Domain (CTRL+D), Range (CTRL+R).
  • General performance improvements.

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Eddy v0.9.1

24 Oct 15:24
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Eddy v0.9.1 Pre-release

Minor release which aims to fix some errors discovered in v0.9 and to add some new features:

  • Added ontology menu in Main Menu bar.
  • Added Notification system: notification popups will be displayed in the TOP right screen corner.
  • Added update check system: Eddy can check for updates on startup (can be disabled) or manually.
  • Fixed random popup error displayed upon application startup on some macOS distributions.
  • Fixed attribute node selection area painting not rendering correctly.
  • Fixed impossibility to select breakpoints when multiple edges occupy the same 2D geometrical space.
  • Fixed an error being generated when exporting Annotation axioms.
  • Fixed popup dialogs not appearing on the application primary screen on multi screen environments.
  • Export role/attribute functionality/inverse functionality to .graphml format.
  • Highly improved edge breakpoints and anchor points selection.
  • Moved application status to Beta.

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Eddy v0.9

14 Oct 15:36
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Eddy v0.9 Pre-release

This release introduced some major upgrades and fixed several bugs discovered in the previous version of Eddy. Here below the complete changelog.

  • Added plugin system (plugin developer documentation to appear soon).
  • Added the possibility to export ontology predicates in CSV format.
  • Added visual representation of Functionality and Inverse Functionality.
  • Added purge action: when triggered on a node (through the node contextual menu) it will delete all the diagram components which compose the Graphol expression whose sink node is the node itself.
  • Added possibility to completely remove a project (from the welcome screen).
  • Added possibility to perform actions on group of selected diagram elements (through a new compound item contextual menu), i.e: cut, copy, delete, purge.
  • Added invert role action: when triggered on a Role node it will swap all the domain/range nodes.
  • Added possibility to explore the application log from within the application (through the view menu).
  • Added Close Others action, to close all diagram tabs except the selected one (available in the MDI area tab contextual menu).
  • Added OWL 2 Profiles: OWL 2 QL, OWL 2 RL. The user can select the profile from the dropdown menu available in the application main toolbar. Each profile implements OWL 2 syntax validation rules plus some profile specific validation rules, hence the expressivity of the Graphol ontology changes according to the selected profile.
  • Added equivalence edge: previously it was possible to create an equivalence by toggling the equivalence flag of the inclusion edge. In the new version, the equivalence edge replaces this toggle.
  • Added possibility to generate only a specific set of axioms when exporting the ontology in OWL 2.
  • Added normalization flag in the OWL 2 translation panel. When checked, equivalence edges will be considered as 2 inverse inclusion edges, union operator nodes (OR) on the left-side of an inclusion and intersection operator nodes (AND) on the right-side of an inclusion will be normalized as a set of inclusion axioms between each of the operator's arguments and the opposite endpoint of the original inclusion edge.
  • Changed manual syntax validation utility: the new implementation allows the user to ignore errors and keep going with the validation of the ontology, to abort the validation procedure, or to show the syntax error found.
  • Changed PDF export to export single diagrams instead of the whole project (from the Save as... action in the File menu).
  • Changed GraphML importer to import also Functionality and Inverse Functionality.
  • Changed GraphML importer to adjust domain/range restriction node labels, to make sure they do not overlap any element in the diagram.
  • Changed GraphML importer not to import edges whose source and target are identified by the same node.
  • Completed the support for Mac OS retina display.
  • Increased Operating System compatibility: Windows 7/8/8.1/10, Mac OS 10.9/10.10/10.11/10.12
  • Updated OWL 2 exporter to translate C1 ISA not C2 as DisjointClasses. Previously the axiom being generated was SubClassOf(C1 ObjectComplementOf(C2)) but this was not compliant with the axiom generated through the DisjointUnion node (shortcut) and was displayed differently in Protégé.
  • Updated OWL 2 exporter to translate R1 EQUIV inv R2 as InverseObjectProperty. Previously the axiom being generated was SubObjectPropertyOf(R1 ObjectInverseOf(R2)).
  • Updated OWL 2 exporter not to generate redundant axioms.
  • Updated OWL 2 exporter to correctly handle NegativeObjectPropertyExpression and NegativeDataPropertyExpression axioms.
  • Upon edge swap, make sure that the node identification algorithm is re-run on the endpoints of the edge.
  • Updated OWL api to version 4.2.6.

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Eddy v0.8.3

07 Jul 12:40
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Eddy v0.8.3 Pre-release

Patch release to fix some issue discovered in v0.8.2:

  • Fixed inability to save files on Linux.
  • Make sure to have the Welcome widget centered in the screen (on Linux was not centered)
  • Removed ability to target Facet nodes with Input edges.

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Eddy v0.8.2

06 Jul 17:32
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Eddy v0.8.2 Pre-release

This release fixes some problems discovered in v0.8.1 and carries some minor improvements.

  • Added High Resolution version of all icons (support Mac OS retina display).
  • Added new splash screen picture.
  • Added edge swap and equivalence toggle buttons to editor toolbar.
  • Added a new feature to automatically snap all the items in the current diagram to the grid.
  • Changed label control key from CTRL to Shift.
  • Fixed duplicate _ character being added in place of \n when serializing in OWL2.
  • Fixed label moving happening while being in label edit mode.
  • Fixed UI crashing during multiple edge insertion process.
  • Hide Mac OS special actions from edit and help menus.
  • Make use of diagram grid when moving labels.
  • Moved Linux start script from to
  • Prevent to push node move command in the stack if no move really happened.
  • Removed minimum size from main window (allows Windows 7/8/10 screen side anchor).
  • Updated color palette.

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Eddy v0.8.1

16 Jun 08:55
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Eddy v0.8.1 Pre-release

This release solves some minor issues discovered in v0.8:

  • Add a temporary workaround to solve owlcs/owlapi#529.
  • Added .graphml file format ontology exporter.
  • Fixed error popup window being displayed after moving node labels.
  • Implemented pinch to zoom feature to scale active graphol diagram.
  • Improved ontology import from .graphml file format.

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