This playbook is designed to install my local development machine running Ubuntu and using Ansible.
- Ansible 2.4+
You can run this playbook using a installer script (recommended) or manually.
- Download the following gist an place it in your home folder.
- Make sure that it can be executed
chmod ugo+x ~/
- Run it as root
sudo ~/
- Fill the prompts to configure the playbook execution.
Clone or download this repository, edit the default.config.yml file and run the following command from the :
mkdir -p ~/.temp
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local -K playbook.yml
Or, you can set the required vars directly in the command line:
mkdir -p ~/.temp
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local -K playbook.yml --extra-vars "current_user=USERNAME git_fullname='YOUR_NAME' git_email='YOUR_EMAIL' installed_extras=[COMMA_DELIMITED_PACKAGES_NAMES]"
Note: See default.config.yml file for var details and read the docs for more information about passing vars through the command line
This is the part when the overture plays in the background.
- Languages:
- PHP (7.0 by default but you may choose from 5.6 up to 7.2)
- Java 8
- NodeJS 6.x (see Known issues)
- Ruby 2.x (see Known issues)
- Virtualization:
- Vagrant (comes with several plugins)
- VirtualBox (5.2 latest stable release)
- Docker
- IDE & Editors:
- ToolboxApp (Jetbrains central hub)
- Sublime 3
- Atom
- Vim
- VCS:
- Git
- Meld
- Package managers:
- Composer
- Bower (legacy projects)
- Yarn
- Bundler
Sidekick companions for the fellows from above.
- NFS server (required when syncing files between host and guests machines).
- IP table firewall (disabled by default)
- Synapse
- autojump
- Filezilla
- Terminator
- Oh-my-ZSH
- Google Chrome
- 17.10 Artful
- 16.04 Xenial
I'll do something with this later.
- NodeJS 5.x (maybe others) version issue, solution delete registered repositories.
- Installing ruby may fail with latest role version as the gems are compiled in-situs see this, solution reboot and re-run playbook or run it from tty.
Detailed content list- Available vars and tweaks
- Add more goodies
I stich up this playbook mostly using Drupal VM provitioning roles and tasks, thanks Jeff (@geerlingguy) and others for the terrific work you haved done building these roles.