delete time sequence . you can add time seq in forward_3d refer to author's code.
update mmcv mmdet mmdet3d .... releted ,
add onnx export for tensorrt
fastbev-tiny ~= author's fastbev-m0. add neck fuse in m0
nuScenes is comming soon, wait few days (1-3day)
read install first for environment
[ ] author's data augment
[ ] evaluation fuction
in , we use ~= author's fastbev-m0
test with nuscenes.pth
Note: This pth model has not been trained well. There are also some abnormal predictions.
refer to tools/dataset_converters/
update later maybe
- cuda 10.2
- cudnn 8.4.0
- cuda 11.7
- cudnn 8.4.0
- Python = 3.8
- PyTorch = 1.10.0
- mmengine = 0.7.0
- mmcv = 2.0.0rc4 (>=2.0.0)
- mmdetection = 3.0.0rc6 (>=3.0.0)
- mmdetection3d = 1.1.0rc3 (>= 1.1.0)
- cuda 11.7
- cudnn 8.4.0
- Python = 3.10
- PyTorch = 2.1.0
- mmengine = 0.7.0
- mmcv = 2.0.0rc4 (>=2.0.0)
- mmdetection = 3.0.0rc6 (>=3.0.0)
- mmdetection3d = 1.1.0rc3 (>= 1.1.0)
We also provide instructions for evaluating our pretrained models. Please download the checkpoints using the following script:
Then, you will be able to run:
torchpack dist-run -np 8 python tools/ [config file path] pretrained/[checkpoint name].pth --eval [evaluation type]
For example, if you want to evaluate the detection variant of BEVFusion, you can try:
torchpack dist-run -np 8 python tools/ configs/nuscenes/det/transfusion/secfpn/camera+lidar/swint_v0p075/convfuser.yaml pretrained/bevfusion-det.pth --eval bbox
While for the segmentation variant of BEVFusion, this command will be helpful:
torchpack dist-run -np 8 python tools/ configs/nuscenes/seg/fusion-bev256d2-lss.yaml pretrained/bevfusion-seg.pth --eval map
We provide instructions to reproduce our results on nuScenes.
For example, if you want to train the camera-only variant for object detection, please run:
torchpack dist-run -np 8 python tools/ configs/nuscenes/det/centerhead/lssfpn/camera/256x704/swint/default.yaml pretrained/swint-nuimages-pretrained.pth
For camera-only BEV segmentation model, please run:
torchpack dist-run -np 8 python tools/ configs/nuscenes/seg/camera-bev256d2.yaml pretrained/swint-nuimages-pretrained.pth
For LiDAR-only detector, please run:
torchpack dist-run -np 8 python tools/ configs/nuscenes/det/transfusion/secfpn/lidar/voxelnet_0p075.yaml
For LiDAR-only BEV segmentation model, please run:
torchpack dist-run -np 8 python tools/ configs/nuscenes/seg/lidar-centerpoint-bev128.yaml
BEVFusion is based on mmdetection3d. It is also greatly inspired by the following outstanding contributions to the open-source community: LSS, BEVDet, TransFusion, CenterPoint, MVP, FUTR3D, CVT and DETR3D.
Please also check out related papers in the camera-only 3D perception community such as BEVDet4D, BEVerse, BEVFormer, M2BEV, PETR and PETRv2, which might be interesting future extensions to BEVFusion.