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Jackson Miskill
[email protected]

Have Achieved

  • Homebrew installation documentation
  • updated (with the new links)
  • Neary completed Seaborn section within
  • python3.10.5 install documentation
  • Seaborn data configuration and cleaning up
  • Update with the links from Rivanna
  • Need a key for pycharm to block format the code
  • pyQueue implementation and documentation (for the book)
  • Graphics galley
  • Data Management Section for python-graphics
  • yamldb documentation
  • job queue implementation

Have Not Achieved

  • Linux Documentation for Mac
  • Keyboard command instructions ^might include with Linux
  • Rivanna Tutorial
  • joint class and cms tutorial (if not for anyone else, then just for me)


  • Figure out fastapi, pickle, glob, shelve, and resource
  • Create a class and cms tutorial (documentation)
  • Create Rivanna tutorial for macOS

Questions I have that I haven't figured out yet

  • What are the libraries: fastapi, glob, mmap, pickle, resource, and shelve?
  • What is the difference between linux and what we run on terminal?
  • What is an MPI?
  • What are the "-" commands in the command line? Is there a difference between the command line and terminal?
  • How does emacs work? (like I know how to edit it, but specifically, how does it work?)
  • What is git?
  • What is pip?
  • What is the structure of docopts?
  • What is docker?
  • What is containerization, and how does it relate to what we are doing?
  • What is a REST API?

What I knew, thought I knew, and now know

What I knew



string manipulation for loops while loops if statements (including elif) def classes Static methods: don't access anything within the class Class methods: can access attributes within the object Creating images using python (did it very briefly)


String manipulation for loops, while loops, if statements creating functions how to use typing with java creating methods and classes vectors, linked lists, queues, stacks, quicksort, mergesort, heaps, heapsort,

Data Analysis (python):

I had used pandas, scipystats, matplotlib, and numpy to create dataframes, read in data, and create models of certain data with code (STATS2120 class). Regression, multiple regression, bar charts, median, mean, mode, etc. Cleaning data so that I could use the parts I needed.

Software Development:

I have made classes and objects before and then called them in other classes (like a node in a linked-list), but I am not skilled in it yet (although I have improved since the start of the REU). I have not put together significant amounts of code for projects, but that is a goal of mine, because I like doing it and wish I knew more about how to make things flow together. Not skilled in object oriented programming- something I would love to become better at. Curious about how to connect backend programming (what I typically do) to frontend results (sort of like fastAPI).

Command Line Interface Things:

I knew how to cd and ls and activate the terminal, but that was about it. I knew how to run a python script from the command line I did not know how to create commands. I did not know about shells or scripting (still don't, really) I did not know that there were different commands across OSs I knew about memory and the difference between that and hardrive. I did not know how to use the command line, really. I did not know how to install packages or really the general command line "language" structure (like --arguments, --options --flags)

Cloud Computing:

Knew nothing.

Artificial Intelligence:

Knew nothing.

Machine Learning:

Only knew some key concepts like training and modeling.

What I thought I knew


classes and object oriented programming command line (somewhat) data manipulation and modeling software development basics how to use packages (installation, importing, utilization) basically, I didn't realize how much of a beginner I am.

What I know now


I am slightly better at object oriented programming I am better at understanding what code is doing (code review things) I am better at utilizing code that has already been created I am better at creating better code (meaning that the code looks better, produces better output rather than being very basic) I now know about python testing I now know class programming (and how difficult it is for me) I now kow about how undergraduate teachers teach theory, but in reality, others want real results (i.e., you would spend 10+ hours coding heapsort when you could use the python implementation that has already been optimized). I better understand the way computers work.

Software Development:

having started to work on the REST service, here is what I have learned: Most of the time, I have the skills to code up 90-95% of the project, but that last 5-10% kills 95% of my time and energy on a project. I get stuck when there are many methods that all call on themselves. But I am now better about working through these challenges. I enjoy software development. I have ideas about what I could theoretically could do for software projects. I need to submerge myself in coding to get to where I want to be. Friend told me recently that many people in CS have this initial block like what I am having. Then, after time, they get infinitely better and then have ideas of their own that they create.

Command Line Interfacing:

I can operate my command line now. cd, ls, cat, man, help, etc etc etc I almost understand how to use the cloudmesh command generate to create commands.


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