Bugfixes / internal changes:
- Bluetooth: changed default to bluetooth disabled, this achieves ~10-30% better wifi sniffing results (can be enabled during runtime by rcommand 0x0e or by changing defaults in configmanager.cpp
- Bugfixes in Cayenne payload encoder
- Platformio.ini restructured
- OTA Wifi download stabilized & debugged
- Upgrade ESP32 core to ESP-IDF v3.1.2
- Upgrade Arduino-ESP32 core to v1.0.1 (= PlatformIO espressif32 v1.6.0)
- Update documentation (readme.md)
New features:
- Full BME680 environment sensor support, including indoor-air-quality (using BOSCH BSEC library)
- ESP32 AES hardware encryption option (not used yet)
- PSRAM support on devices with external SPI RAM now fully functional (used to store MA