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All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Method HTTP request Description
getAuthenticators GET /authenticators Details about which authenticators are on the Conjur Server
getGCPAuthenticatorStatus GET /authn-gcp/{account}/status Details whether an authentication service has been configured properly
getServiceAuthenticatorStatus GET /{authenticator}/{service_id}/{account}/status Details whether an authentication service has been configured properly
whoAmI GET /whoami Provides information about the client making an API request.


AuthenticatorsResponse getAuthenticators(xRequestId)

Details about which authenticators are on the Conjur Server

Response contains three members: installed, configured, and enabled. installed: The authenticator is implemented in Conjur and is available for configuration configured: The authenticator has a webservice in the DB that was loaded by policy enabled: The authenticator is enabled (in the DB or in the ENV) and is ready for authentication


Name Type Description Notes
xRequestId String Add an ID to the request being made so it can be tracked in Conjur. If not provided the server will automatically generate one. [optional] [default to null]

Return type



basicAuth, conjurAuth, conjurKubernetesMutualTls

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


AuthenticatorStatus getGCPAuthenticatorStatus(account, xRequestId)

Details whether an authentication service has been configured properly

Once the status webservice has been properly configured and the relevant user groups have been given permissions to access the status webservice, the users in those groups can check the status of the authenticator. This operation only supports the GCP authenticator See Conjur Documentation for details on setting up the authenticator status webservice.


Name Type Description Notes
account String The organization account name [default to null]
xRequestId String Add an ID to the request being made so it can be tracked in Conjur. If not provided the server will automatically generate one. [optional] [default to null]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


AuthenticatorStatus getServiceAuthenticatorStatus(authenticator, serviceId, account, xRequestId)

Details whether an authentication service has been configured properly

Once the status webservice has been properly configured and the relevant user groups have been given permissions to access the status webservice, the users in those groups can check the status of the authenticator. Supported Authenticators: - Azure - OIDC Not Supported: - AWS IAM - Kubernetes - LDAP See Conjur Documentation for details on setting up the authenticator status webservice.


Name Type Description Notes
authenticator String The type of authenticator [default to null]
serviceId String URL-Encoded authenticator service ID [default to null]
account String The organization account name [default to null]
xRequestId String Add an ID to the request being made so it can be tracked in Conjur. If not provided the server will automatically generate one. [optional] [default to null]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


WhoAmI whoAmI(xRequestId)

Provides information about the client making an API request.

WhoAmI provides information about the client making an API request. It can be used to help troubleshoot configuration by verifying authentication and the client IP address for audit and network access restrictions. For more information, see Host Attributes.


Name Type Description Notes
xRequestId String Add an ID to the request being made so it can be tracked in Conjur. If not provided the server will automatically generate one. [optional] [default to null]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json