Note: this package is prerelease, no bundles are built yet!
bun add @curlyben/smotion
smotion is a low level web animation library that drives signals.
import { reaction } from "signal-utils/subtle/reaction"
import { Animator } from "@curlyben/smotion"
const ani = new Animator()
keyframes: [
// a named frame
{ name: "move it!", time: 0 },
// an anonymous frame (will get named `frame1` automatically)
{ time: 1000 }
// eg. using 'reacion' from signal-utils, we update a style.left property of an element
// see:
() => ani.$val("move it!"),
(percent) => document.querySelector("#widget").style.left = `${percent}px`
import { html, LitElement } from "lit"
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { watch } from "@lit-labs/signals"
import { computed, SignalWatcher, watch } from "@lit-labs/signals";
import { Animator } from "@curlyben/smotion"
export class MoveIt extends LitElement {
#animator = new Animator({ loop: true, play: true, duration: 1000, keyframes: [
{ name: "move it!", time: 0 },
{ time: 500 },
render() {
const left = computed(() => `${this.#animator.$val("move it!") * 100}px`)
return html`
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: ${watch(left)}">
hello world!
To install dependencies:
bun install
motion - a beautiful native web animation library from Matt Perry
theatre.js - the evergreen web animation tool that inspired this one