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What is this repository for?

This is the UDB3 web app that.

How do I get set up?

For local development you'll need node and npm. A great tool to manage your node versions is

Yeoman and generator-angular were used to scaffold the project. You can use the same generator to add additional code snippets. Install using: npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli generator-angular. You do not need to scaffold the project again!

Copy the config.json.dist file to config.json and config_dev.json. Change config settings according to the environment.

To get up and running check out the project and run the following commands:

npm install
bower install

//Serve unminified locally for development
grunt serve

//Or create a dist folder and serve the minified version
grunt build
grunt serve:dist

For more info on building and serving the project you can check out the angular generator page on Github.

Configure the server for HTML5 url rewrites. You can find all the app routes in app/app.js.