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Sample implementation of the Firebird custom database

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Firebird integration into the CUBA Studio

This application component provides support for the Firebird database.

Additional documentation:

The integration is implemented using the following classes:

Running the project

  1. Install CUBA Studio 14.3 or later.
  2. Download and install Firebird DB server.
  3. Download Jaybird JDBC driver ( Extract ZIP archive and copy necessary driver files to the {user home}/.haulmont/studio/lib folder. E.g. for the version the list of files to be copied is: jaybird-4.0.1.java8.jar, antlr-runtime-4.7.2.jar, connector-api-1.5.jar, jna-5.5.0.jar.
  4. Open the project in the CUBA Studio (File -> New Project from Version Control)
  5. Modify the file and set correct paths in the cuba.dataSource.jdbcUrl and other nearby properties. Alternatively - change database URL in the Main Data Store Settings dialog (main menu: CUBA -> Main Data Store Settings).
  6. Execute the CUBA -> Create Database task in the main menu.
  7. Start the project from the Studio.

Using as app-component

  1. Execute steps mentioned above with the firebird-sample project to test that your environment is configured correctly.
  2. Run CUBA -> Advanced -> Install App Component task.
  3. Create new or open already existing project that needs Firebird support.
  4. Add just installed app component to your project (CUBA -> Marketplace -> Install Add-On manually button). Default add-on coordinates defined in this sample project are
  5. In the Project Properties dialog select Firebird database type. Specify database URL in the jdbc:firebirdsql://{HOST}/{PATH_TO_DB_FILE}?encoding=UTF8 format.
  6. Make changes to the build.gradle script:
  • Add Firebird dependency to the buildscript - dependencies block. Find an example here.
  • Create a FirebirdDbCreation class which extends the AbstractDbCreation class and overrides the dropAndCreateDatabase method. Find an example here.
  • Replace the type of the createDb task with FirebirdDbCreation instead of CubaDbCreation class.
  • Remove masterUrl, createDbSql, dropDbSql property of the createDb task (or just make them empty).
  1. Execute the CUBA -> Create Database task in the main menu.
  2. Start the project from the Studio.

Linux usage notes

Directory where database files are located should be owned by the firebird user running Firebird server.


Sample implementation of the Firebird custom database




