With this package, you can download all available workshop materials for JuliaCon2020. You only need to have julia installed (at least version 1.3), every other dependency is included in the package.
You should install the package with:
] dev https://github.com/cserteGT3/JuliaCon2020Workshops.jl
add GitCommand#master
You need to add the GitCommand#master
package in order to get tha package working. (You can just paste the above commands to the Julia REPL.)
Print the available workshops:
using JuliaCon2020Workshops
The following workshops can be downloaded (by their shortname):
shortname: Workshop name
MLJ: MLJ: A Machine Learning Toolbox for Julia
LightGraphs: Building and analyzing Graphs at scale with Light Graphs
DataFrames: A Deep Dive into DataFrames.jl Indexing
LearnJulia: Learn Julia via Epidemic Modeling
CxxWrap: Wrapping a C++ Library with CxxWrap.jl
Then download the selected, with its shortened name:
You can start the jupyter notebooks for any downloaded workshop:
If you've already downloaded a workshop, but you want to update it, you can use the updateworkshop()
Note, that if you modified any files, the update may conflicts and terminates.
You can discard your changes by using the force=true
updateworkshop("MLJ", force=true)