Eternasl is a node based cli application that let you create react application with various templates such react with tailwind css, style component, bootstrap, redux etc.
Let's say we want to create react application with tailwind css. This can be achieved by either of the following ways:
- Install React application
- Visite Tailwind Docs
- Then Install it
(Trust me this consumes your precious time & can be anoying sometime)
- Google any react-tailwind starter template
- If found then download it.
- Else follow Solution 1
In short this is a tedious task. Imagine of doing the same for bootstrap, tailwind with redux, bootstrap with redux, redux-styled components and so on.
Use Eternals! It has the collection of mostly used templates using which one can easily initialize thier app.
Install eternals with npm
npm i -g eternals
Install eternals with yarn
yarn add -g eternals
In terminal type :-
and press enter. You will see the following:-
Insert gif or link to demo
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React Native
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Contributions are always welcome!
for ways to get started.
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