Currently under development
This is a Redesigned version of Instagram with Google's Material 3 Design Guidelines. Currently, this is entirely designed and developed by me.
If you want to Contribute / Enquire about anything / Use this project anywhere, contanct me, contact details are on my Github profile. Preferably, contact on WhatsApp or Instagram as I don't see other contact options often.
As for now, I am targeting following platforms :
- Android
- iOS
- Web
- Windows
Note* : Original Instagram is not made Natively for Windows or other desktop OS. It runs as a Web App, obviously for networking reasons. However in this project, Instagram Redesigned is available natively on Windows, only because I designed UI for Web ( Desktop and Mobile screens ) and with Flutter, it can run natively on Windows without any changes in code and for native Windows experience purpose. But main Targeted platforms are Android, iOS and Web.