11-12 September, 2021
- Intro
- Kinematics
- Path planning
- Planning Scene
- Pick and Place
- Assemblies
- Robot control
👉 Slides
Mesh datastructure
- Mesh in Rhino
- Mesh in Blender
- Mesh in GHPython
- Mesh from scratch
- Mesh stand-alone viewer
- Queries: vertex degree
- Queries: vertices on boundary
- Queries: face neighbors
- Queries: vertex neighbors
- Queries: edge strip
- Queries: edge loop
- Vertex normals in Rhino
- Flip cycles
- Artists in Rhino
- Boolean operations with CGAL
- Boolean operations in Rhino
Network datastructure
Remote Procedure calls
Robot Model
ROS Basics
ROS & MoveIt planning with UR5
Planning scene and end-effectors in MoveIt
Pick and Place
Graphs and Orders
Assembly models
Sequence assignments
Scripted Assembly Planning
Assembly visualization
Basic setup
Motion instructions
Input/Output signals
Brick assembly
- Minimum OS: Windows 10 Pro or Mac OS Sierra 10.12
- Anaconda 3
- Docker Desktop Docker Toolbox would also work but it's a bit more annoying. After installation on Windows, it is required to enable "Virtualization" on the BIOS of the computer.
- Rhino 6/7 & Grasshopper
- Visual Studio Code: Any python editor works, but we recommend VS Code + extensions as mentioned in our docs
We use conda
to make sure we have clean, isolated environment for dependencies.
First time using conda
? Make sure you run this at least once:
(base) conda config --add channels conda-forge
Clone this repository and create a new conda environment:
(base) cd path/to/acadia_remote_robotic_assemblies
(base) conda env create -f environment.yml
(base) conda activate acadia21
Alternatively, create environment manually
The conda environment can also be manually created:
(base) conda create -n acadia21 python=3.8 compas_fab>=0.19.1 --yes
(base) conda activate acadia21
Also install python.app
after activating the environment:
(acadia21) conda install python.app
(acadia21) python -m compas
Yay! COMPAS is installed correctly!
COMPAS: 1.8.1
Python: 3.8.10 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, May 11 2021, 06:25:23) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
Extensions: ['compas-fab', 'compas-slicer', 'compas-cgal', 'compas-rrc']
(acadia21) python -m compas_rhino.install
(acadia21) python -m compas_rhino.install -v 7.0
To update your environment:
(acadia21) conda env update -f environment.yml