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Demo "todo" cross-platform desktop application using C++ and Qt 5

A cross-platform todo-app using C++ (some C++11 features like lambda, and auto types) and Qt 5 Framework. Open the .pro file in Qt Creator and build for your system. You will have to choose a kit to build with first (clang if OS X, gcc 64-bit for Linux, android/ios kits if you have them installed).


  • Qt dynamic layout boxes in both horizontal and vertical directions
  • Qt dynamic spacers in both horizontal or vertical directions
  • Qt's signal/slots mechanism for event-driven programming
  • Styling UI elements at runtime (strikethrough on text)
  • Inheritance-based memory management (Qt's efforts here mostly, although we explicitly manage in a couple places)

Dev-environment details:

  • QtCreator 4.6.2 (Based on Qt 5.10.1 (GCC 5.3.1 20160406 (Red Hat 5.3.1-6), 64 bit))
  • Lubuntu 18.04 LTS