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Health Check in Microservices

Health Check Definition

A health check in microservices is a mechanism that ensures each service is functioning correctly and is available. It typically involves periodically checking the status of various components of a service and reporting their health.


Use Cases of Health Check

Service Availability Monitoring:

  • Scenario: Ensuring that each microservice is up and running.
  • Benefit: Helps in quickly identifying and addressing service outages.

Dependency Checking

  • Scenario: Verifying that all dependencies of a service are available and functioning.
  • Benefit: Ensures the entire application stack is healthy and operational.

Deployment Validation

  • Scenario: Checking the health of services post-deployment to ensure they are functioning as expected.
  • Benefit: Detects deployment issues early, preventing faulty services from affecting the system.

Load Balancing

  • Scenario: Directing traffic only to healthy instances of a service.
  • Benefit: Ensures reliable service delivery by avoiding unhealthy instances.


  • Scenario: Scaling up or down based on the health and load of the services.
  • Benefit: Optimizes resource usage and cost efficiency.



  • Spring Boot Actuator, AWS Elastic Load Balancer, Kubernetes liveness and readiness probes


  • Health check endpoints (e.g., /health, /status) that return the health status of the service.

API Design:

  • Request: GET /health
  • Response:
      "status": "DOWN",
      "details": {
        "sql": {
          "status": "DOWN",
          "data": {
            "error": "pq: database 'demo' does not exist"
        "firestore": {
          "status": "UP"
        "kafka": {
          "status": "UP"

Health Status

  • UP: Indicates that the application is functioning normally and all health checks have passed.
  • DOWN: Indicates that the application is experiencing issues, and one or more health checks have failed.

Implementation of core-go/health

Core Library

  • Purpose: Provides basic health check functionalities
  • Features:
    • Define standard health check interfaces.

      • Model Health
        package health
        type Health struct {
          Status  string                 `json:"status,omitempty"`
          Data    map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
          Details map[string]Health      `json:"details,omitempty"`
    • Allow custom health checks with this standard interface Checker:

      package health
      import "context"
      type Checker interface {
        Name() string
        Check(ctx context.Context) (map[string]interface{}, error)
        Build(ctx context.Context, data map[string]interface{}, err error) map[string]interface{}
    • Build the response JSON from many custom health checks by this GO function Check

    • Implement basic checks

    • Integration with Existing Systems, by supporting these Go libraries: gin, echo, mux, go-chi

External Service Health Check Library

Cache Health Check Library

  • Purpose: Verifies the status of cache services.
  • Features:

Database Health Check Library

Message Queue Health Check Library

Future Libraries to develop

Cluster Health Check Library

  • Purpose: Ensures the health of the microservices cluster.
  • Features:
    • Check node status, CPU, and memory usage across the cluster.
    • Integrate with orchestration platforms like Kubernetes for liveness and readiness probes.

Metrics and Monitoring Integration Library

  • Purpose: Integrates health checks with monitoring tools.
  • Features:
    • Export health check results to monitoring systems (Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack).
    • Provide detailed dashboards and alerting mechanisms.

Notification and Alerting Library

  • Purpose: Sends alerts based on health check results.
  • Features:
    • Integrate with notification systems (Slack, PagerDuty, email).
    • Provide configurable thresholds and alerting rules.

Integration with Existing Systems


Please make sure to initialize a Go module before installing core-go/health:

go get -u


import ""