Tcl scripting & semihosting support
In the book, the paragraph on semihosting (in the chapter on run-time tracing) has been expanded, and moved to a separate section. There is also a new chapter on Tcl scripting.
The archives for the binaries also contains the PDF for the book.
Tcl scripting was added to the BMFlash and BMSerial utilities. In the case of BMFlash, it allows you to run an initial self-test procedure immediately after upload, or provide post-upload operations such as print a label with the serial number. In BMSerial, scripting allows you to write protocol decoders for serial input, or auto-respond to various inputs. This is described in detail in the book.
The "" file is the "Black Magic Hosted" firmware software from the blackmagic project, built for Windows. This application is also known as BMA (Black Magic App) or BMDA. It is useful for troubleshooting, but not otherwisely needed to use the Black Magic Probe or the software. The executable version of this utility for Windows is available here only for convenience.
The "" is the GNU cflow utility, pre-compiled for Microsoft Windows. It is available here only for convenience.