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update working with different float types
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tobydriscoll committed Aug 20, 2024
1 parent e8d33f1 commit 7d8caf6
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Showing 8 changed files with 76 additions and 50 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ version = "0.1.4"
ComplexRegions = "c64915e2-6c82-11e9-38e9-1f159a780463"
ComplexValues = "41a84b80-6cf2-11e9-379d-9df124847946"
GenericLinearAlgebra = "14197337-ba66-59df-a3e3-ca00e7dcff7a"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
PyFormattedStrings = "5f89f4a4-a228-4886-b223-c468a82ed5b9"

Expand All @@ -28,10 +29,10 @@ julia = "1.9"
CairoMakie = "13f3f980-e62b-5c42-98c6-ff1f3baf88f0"
ComplexRegions = "c64915e2-6c82-11e9-38e9-1f159a780463"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
DoubleFloats = "497a8b3b-efae-58df-a0af-a86822472b78"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

docs = ["CairoMakie", "ComplexRegions", "DoubleFloats"]
test = ["Test", "LinearAlgebra", "ComplexRegions"]
docs = ["CairoMakie"]
test = ["Test", "LinearAlgebra", "ComplexRegions", "DoubleFloats"]
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/RationalFunctionApproximation.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module RationalFunctionApproximation

using LinearAlgebra, ComplexRegions
using LinearAlgebra, GenericLinearAlgebra, ComplexRegions
using PyFormattedStrings

export Barycentric, nodes, weights, degree, rewind,
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30 changes: 17 additions & 13 deletions src/aaa.jl
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See also [`approximate`](@ref) for approximating a function on a curve or region.
function aaa(z::AbstractVector{<:Number}, y::AbstractVector{<:Number};
max_degree = 150, float_type = Float64, tol = 1000*eps(float_type),
lookahead = 10, stats = false
max_degree = 150,
float_type = promote_type(typeof(float(1)), eltype(z), eltype(y)),
tol = 1000*eps(float_type),
lookahead = 10,
stats = false

@assert float_type <: AbstractFloat
T = float_type
fmax = norm(y, Inf) # for scaling
m = length(z)
iteration = NamedTuple[]
err = T[]
err = float_type[]
besterr, bestidx, best = Inf, NaN, nothing

# Allocate space for Cauchy matrix, Loewner matrix, and residual
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function aaa(
max_degree=150, float_type=Float64, tol=1000*eps(float_type),
refinement=3, lookahead=10, stats=false
float_type = promote_type(typeof(float(1)), real_type(f(11//23))),
@assert float_type <: AbstractFloat
T = float_type
CT = Complex{T}

CT = Complex{float_type}
# arrays for tracking convergence progress
err, nbad = T[], Int[]
nodes, vals, pol, weights = Vector{T}[], Vector{CT}[], Vector{CT}[], Vector{CT}[]
err, nbad = float_type[], Int[]
nodes, vals, pol, weights = Vector{float_type}[], Vector{CT}[], Vector{CT}[], Vector{CT}[]

S = [-one(T), one(T)] # initial nodes
S = [-one(float_type), one(float_type)] # initial nodes
fS = f.(S)
besterr, bestm = Inf, NaN
while true # main loop
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/approximate.jl
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approximate(f::Function, d::ComplexCurve; kw...) = approximate(f, Path(d); kw...)
approximate(f::Function, d::ComplexClosedCurve; kw...) = approximate(f, ClosedPath(d); kw...)

# all methods end up here
function approximate(f::Function, d::ComplexPath;
max_degree = 150,
float_type = promote_type(typeof(float(1)), real_type(d)),
float_type = promote_type(real_type(d), typeof(float(1))),
tol = 1000*eps(float_type),
isbad = z->dist(z, d) < tol,
refinement = 3,
lookahead = 10,
stats = false

@assert float_type <: AbstractFloat
err, nbad = float_type[], Int[]
iteration = NamedTuple[]

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15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions src/methods.jl
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Expand Up @@ -70,10 +70,21 @@ roots(f::Approximation) = roots(
function roots(r::Barycentric)
wf = r.w_times_f
m = length(wf)
B = diagm( [0; ones(m)] )
ty = eltype(nodes(r))
B = diagm( [ty(0); ones(m)] )
# Thanks to Daan Huybrechs:
E = [0 transpose(wf); ones(m) diagm(nodes(r))]
return filter(isfinite, eigvals(E, B))
if ty in (Float64,)
return filter(isfinite, eigvals(E, B))
# super kludgy; thanks to Daan Huybrechs
μ = 11 - 17im # shift since 0 may well be a root
E -= μ*B
EB = inv(E)*B
pp = eigvals(EB)
large_enough = abs.(pp) .> 1e-10
return μ .+ 1 ./ pp[large_enough]

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65 changes: 37 additions & 28 deletions test/interval.jl
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@@ -1,46 +1,58 @@
pts = 10 .^ range(-15,0,500); pts = [-reverse(pts); 0; pts]
approx(f; kw...) = approximate(f, unit_interval; kw...)

@testset "Basic functions" begin
f = x -> abs(x + 0.5 + 0.01im); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=5e-13)
f = x -> sin(1/(1.05-x)); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=2e-13)
f = x -> exp(-1/(x^2)); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=4e-13)
f = x -> exp(-100x^2); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=2e-13)
f = x -> exp(-10/(1.2-x)); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=1e-12)
f = x -> 1/(1+exp(100*(x+.5))); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=2e-13)
f = x -> sin(100x) * exp(-10x^2); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=1e-11)
f = x -> abs(x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=1e-8)
f = x -> abs(x - 0.95); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=1e-6)
@testset "Basic functions in $T" for T in (Float64, Double64)
pts = T(10) .^ range(T(-15), T(0), 500); pts = [-reverse(pts); 0; pts]
tol = 2000*eps(T)
approx(f; kw...) = approximate(f, Segment{T}(-1, 1); kw...)
f = x -> abs(x + 1//2 + 1im//100); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts; rtol=tol)
f = x -> sin(1 / (21//20 - x)); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts; rtol=tol)
f = x -> exp(-1 / x^2); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts; rtol=tol)
f = x -> exp(-100x^2); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts; rtol=tol)
f = x -> exp(-10 / (6//5 - x)); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts; rtol=tol)
f = x -> 1/(1 + exp(100*(x + 1//2))); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts; rtol=tol)
f = x -> sin(100x) * exp(-10x^2); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts; rtol=tol)
f = x -> tanh(100*(x - 1//5)); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=tol)
f = x -> tanh(100x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=tol)
f = x -> exp(x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=tol)
f = x -> cis(x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=tol)

@testset "Low-accuracy" begin
@testset "Low accuracy" begin
pts = 10.0 .^ range(-15, 0, 500); pts = [-reverse(pts); 0; pts]
approx(f; kw...) = approximate(f, unit_interval; kw...)
f = x -> exp(3x);
@test !pass(f, approximate(f, unit_interval, tol=1e-4), pts, atol=1e-8)
r = approximate(f, unit_interval, tol=1e-5)
@test !pass(f, r, pts, atol=1e-7)
@test pass(f, r, pts, atol=5e-5)
f = x -> abs(x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=1e-8)
f = x -> abs(x - 0.95); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=1e-6)

@testset "Poles, zeros, residues" begin
@testset "Poles, zeros, residues" for T in (Float64,)
approx(f; kw...) = approximate(f, Segment{T}(-1, 1); kw...)
f = z -> (z+1) * (z+2) / ((z+3) * (z+4))
r = approx(f)
pol = poles(r)
zer = roots(r)
@test isapprox(sum(pol+zer), -10, atol=1e-12)
@test isapprox(sum(pol+zer), -10, rtol=5000*eps(T))

f = x -> 2/(3 + x) + 5/(x - 2im); r = approx(f)
@test isapprox(prod(values(residues(r))), 10, atol=1e-8)
@test isapprox(prod(values(residues(r))), 10, rtol=sqrt(eps(T)))

f = x -> sinpi(10x); r = approx(f);
@test isapprox(sort(abs.(roots(r)))[19], 0.9, atol=1e-12)
zer = roots(r)
miss = minimum(abs, zer .- 9//10)
@test miss < 1e3*eps(T)

f = z -> (z - (3 + 3im))/(z + 2); r = approx(f)
pol,zer = poles(r), roots(r)
@test isapprox(pol[1]*zer[1], -6-6im, atol=1e-12)
@test isapprox(pol[1]*zer[1], -6-6im, rtol=5000*eps(T))

@testset "Vertical scaling" begin
f = x -> 1e100*sin(x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=2e-13)
f = x -> 1e-100*cos(x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=2e-13)
# f = x -> 1e100*sin(x); @test pass(f, approx(f, =5, lawson=20), pts, rtol=1e-6)
# f = x -> 1e-100*cos(x); @test pass(f, approx(f, =5, lawson=20), pts, rtol=1e-6)
@testset "Vertical scaling in $T" for T in (Float64, Double64)
pts = T(10) .^ range(T(-15), T(0), 500); pts = [-reverse(pts); 0; pts]
f = x -> T(10)^50*sin(x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=2000*eps(T))
f = x -> T(10)^(-50)*cos(x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, rtol=2000*eps(T))

# @testset "Lawson" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,17 +84,14 @@ end
f = x -> 1/(1+1im*x); @test pass(f, approx(f, max_degree=3), pts, atol=2e-13)
f = x -> 1/(3+x+x^2); @test pass(f, approx(f, max_degree=2), pts, atol=2e-13)
f = x -> 1/(1.01+x^3); @test pass(f, approx(f, max_degree=3), pts, atol=2e-13)
f = x -> tanh(100x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=2e-13)
f = x -> tanh(100*(x-.2)); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=2e-13)
f = x -> exp(x); @test pass(f, approx(f, tol=1e-13), pts, atol=2e-13)
f = x -> cis(x); @test pass(f, approx(f), pts, atol=2e-13)
f = x -> cis(x); r = approx(f);
@test sum(@. abs(r(pts))-1)/length(pts) < 2e-13
f = x -> exp(exp(x))/(x - 0.2im); r = approx(f);
@test minimum(abs.(poles(r) .- .2im)) < 1e-12

@testset "Other intervals" begin
pts = 10 .^ range(-15, 0, 500); pts = [-reverse(pts); 0; pts]
zz(a,b) = (pts .+ 1)*(b-a)/2 .+ a
for (a,b) in ((-2,3), (0,1), (-0.01,0) , (-1e4, 2e6))
for f in ( x -> abs(x + 0.5 + 0.01im), x -> sin(1/(1.05im-x)), x -> exp(-10/(1.2*(b+1)-x)) )
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
using RationalFunctionApproximation, Test, LinearAlgebra, ComplexRegions
using RationalFunctionApproximation, Test, LinearAlgebra, ComplexRegions, DoubleFloats

# ii = 1im * range(-300,400,500)
# zz = cispi.(2 * (0:500) / 500)
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