use WGLMakie for docs #16
10 warnings
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example makie
using ComplexPlots, WGLMakie # or GLMakie
z = [complex(cospi(t), 0.4sinpi(t)) for t in (0:400)/200]
scatter!(1 ./ z, marker=:circle, markersize=8, color=:black)
save("makie_points.png", current_figure()); nothing # hide
value =
Can't get three: Screen has no session. Not yet displayed?
Not able to show scene in a browser
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example makie
save("makie_sphere.png", current_figure()); nothing # hide
value =
Can't get three: Screen has no session. Not yet displayed?
Not able to show scene in a browser
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example makie
zplot(z -> (z^3 - 1) / (3im - z)^2)
save("makie_zplot.png", current_figure()); nothing # hide
value =
Can't get three: Screen has no session. Not yet displayed?
Not able to show scene in a browser
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example makie
zplot(tanh, [-5, 5], [-5, 5])
save("makie_tanh.png", current_figure()); nothing # hide
value =
Can't get three: Screen has no session. Not yet displayed?
Not able to show scene in a browser
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example makie
zplot(z -> log((1 + z) / (1im - z)), [-2, 2], [-2, 2], 1000)
save("makie_log.png", current_figure()); nothing # hide
value =
Can't get three: Screen has no session. Not yet displayed?
Not able to show scene in a browser
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example makie
plot(Circle(-1, 1))
lines!(Segment(-1-1im, -1+1im))
scatter!(Arc(-1, 1im, 1), color=:darkred)
save("makie_curves.png", current_figure()); nothing # hide
value =
Can't get three: Screen has no session. Not yet displayed?
Not able to show scene in a browser
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example makie
L = Polygon([0, 1im, -1+1im, -1-1im, 1-1im, 1])
plot(L) # or poly(L) for filled
save("makie_polygon.png", current_figure()); nothing # hide
value =
Can't get three: Screen has no session. Not yet displayed?
Not able to show scene in a browser
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example makie
lines(Shapes.ellipse(1, 0.5))
2im +,
-2im + Shapes.cross,
2 + Shapes.triangle,
-2 + 0.3im*Shapes.hypo(3)
save("makie_shapes.png", current_figure()); nothing # hide
value =
Can't get three: Screen has no session. Not yet displayed?
Not able to show scene in a browser
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example makie
C = Circle(0, 1); S = Shapes.square;
fig = Figure()
ax = [Axis(fig[i,j]) for i in 1:2, j in 1:2]
poly!(fig[1,1], interior(C))
poly!(fig[1,2], exterior(S))
ax[1,2].limits[] = (-3, 3, -3, 3)
poly!(fig[2,1], between(2C, S))
poly!(fig[2,2], ExteriorRegion([C - 2, S + 2]))
ax[2,2].limits[] = (-3, 3, -3, 3)
save("makie_regions.png", current_figure()); nothing # hide
value =
Can't get three: Screen has no session. Not yet displayed?
Not able to show scene in a browser
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.