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invoke attempt 2 (#212)
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* Some work

* Test LazyZeroRData constructors more carefully

* Improve docstring for new method of lookup_ir

* Improve code formatting to make intent clear

* Rename sig to sig_and_mi where required

* More legitimate primitive detection

* More appropriate name for vararg and sparam finder

* Improve formatting and docstring

* Bump patch
  • Loading branch information
willtebbutt authored Aug 2, 2024
1 parent 7a5c03e commit 4ea0e1d
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Showing 9 changed files with 99 additions and 51 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Tapir"
uuid = "07d77754-e150-4737-8c94-cd238a1fb45b"
authors = ["Will Tebbutt, Hong Ge, and contributors"]
version = "0.2.28"
version = "0.2.29"

ADTypes = "47edcb42-4c32-4615-8424-f2b9edc5f35b"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/fwds_rvs_data.jl
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# zero element and use it later. L is the precise type of `LazyZeroRData` that you wish to
# construct -- very occassionally you need complete control over this, but don't want to
# figure out for yourself whether or not construction can be performed lazily.
@inline function lazy_zero_rdata(::Type{L}, p::P) where {L<:LazyZeroRData, P}
return L(can_produce_zero_rdata_from_type(P) ? nothing : zero_rdata(p))
@inline function lazy_zero_rdata(::Type{L}, p::P) where {S, L<:LazyZeroRData{S}, P}
return L(can_produce_zero_rdata_from_type(S) ? nothing : zero_rdata(p))

# If type parameters for `LazyZeroRData` are not provided, use the defaults.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/interpreter/ir_normalisation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ static parameter names have been translated into either types, or `:static_param
Unfortunately, the static parameter names are not retained in `IRCode`, and the `Method`
from which the `IRCode` is derived must be consulted. `Tapir.is_vararg_sig_and_sparam_names`
from which the `IRCode` is derived must be consulted. `Tapir.is_vararg_and_sparam_names`
provides a convenient way to do this.
function normalise!(ir::IRCode, spnames::Vector{Symbol})
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13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions src/interpreter/ir_utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,10 +171,13 @@ function optimise_ir!(ir::IRCode; show_ir=false, do_inline=true)

lookup_ir(interp::AbstractInterpreter, sig::Type{<:Tuple})::Tuple{IRCode, T}
sig_or_mi::Union{Type{<:Tuple}, Core.MethodInstance},
)::Tuple{IRCode, T}
Get the IR unique IR associated to `sig` under `interp`. Throws `ArgumentError`s if there is
no code found, or if more than one `IRCode` instance returned.
Get the IR unique IR associated to `sig_or_mi` under `interp`. Throws `ArgumentError`s if
there is no code found, or if more than one `IRCode` instance returned.
Returns a tuple containing the `IRCode` and its return type.
Expand All @@ -188,6 +191,10 @@ function lookup_ir(interp::CC.AbstractInterpreter, sig::Type{<:Tuple})
return only(output)

function lookup_ir(interp::CC.AbstractInterpreter, mi::Core.MethodInstance)
return CC.typeinf_ircode(interp, mi.def, mi.specTypes, mi.sparam_vals, nothing)

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53 changes: 29 additions & 24 deletions src/interpreter/s2s_reverse_mode_ad.jl
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Expand Up @@ -467,7 +467,8 @@ function make_ad_stmts!(stmt::Expr, line::ID, info::ADInfo)
raw_rule = if is_primitive(context_type(info.interp), sig)
rrule!! # intrinsic / builtin / thing we provably have rule for
elseif is_invoke
LazyDerivedRule(info.interp, sig, info.safety_on) # Static dispatch
mi = stmt.args[1]::Core.MethodInstance
LazyDerivedRule(info.interp, mi, info.safety_on) # Static dispatch
DynamicDerivedRule(info.interp, info.safety_on) # Dynamic dispatch
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -701,15 +702,18 @@ end
# Rule derivation.

_is_primitive(C::Type, mi::Core.MethodInstance) = is_primitive(C, mi.specTypes)
_is_primitive(C::Type, sig::Type) = is_primitive(C, sig)

# Compute the concrete type of the rule that will be returned from `build_rrule`. This is
# important for performance in dynamic dispatch, and to ensure that recursion works
# properly.
function rule_type(interp::TapirInterpreter{C}, ::Type{sig}) where {C, sig}
is_primitive(C, sig) && return typeof(rrule!!)
function rule_type(interp::TapirInterpreter{C}, sig_or_mi) where {C}
_is_primitive(C, sig_or_mi) && return typeof(rrule!!)

ir, _ = lookup_ir(interp, sig)
ir, _ = lookup_ir(interp, sig_or_mi)
Treturn = Base.Experimental.compute_ir_rettype(ir)
isva, _ = is_vararg_sig_and_sparam_names(sig)
isva, _ = is_vararg_and_sparam_names(sig_or_mi)

arg_types = map(_type, ir.argtypes)
arg_fwds_types = Tuple{map(fcodual_type, arg_types)...}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -743,35 +747,35 @@ function build_rrule(args...; safety_on=false)

build_rrule(interp::PInterp{C}, sig::Type{<:Tuple}; safety_on=false) where {C}
build_rrule(interp::PInterp{C}, sig_or_mi; safety_on=false) where {C}
Returns a `DerivedRule` which is an `rrule!!` for `sig` in context `C`. See the docstring
Returns a `DerivedRule` which is an `rrule!!` for `sig_or_mi` in context `C`. See the docstring
for `rrule!!` for more info.
If `safety_on` is `true`, then all calls to rules are replaced with calls to `SafeRRule`s.
function build_rrule(
interp::PInterp{C}, sig::Type{<:Tuple}; safety_on=false, silence_safety_messages=true
interp::PInterp{C}, sig_or_mi; safety_on=false, silence_safety_messages=true
) where {C}

# If we're compiling in safe mode, let the user know by default.
if !silence_safety_messages && safety_on
@info "Compiling rule for $sig in safe mode. Disable for best performance."
@info "Compiling rule for $sig_or_mi in safe mode. Disable for best performance."

# Reset id count. This ensures that the IDs generated are the same each time this
# function runs.

# If we have a hand-coded rule, just use that.
is_primitive(C, sig) && return (safety_on ? SafeRRule(rrule!!) : rrule!!)
_is_primitive(C, sig_or_mi) && return (safety_on ? SafeRRule(rrule!!) : rrule!!)

# Grab code associated to the primal.
ir, _ = lookup_ir(interp, sig)
ir, _ = lookup_ir(interp, sig_or_mi)
Treturn = Base.Experimental.compute_ir_rettype(ir)

# Normalise the IR, and generated BBCode version of it.
isva, spnames = is_vararg_sig_and_sparam_names(sig)
isva, spnames = is_vararg_and_sparam_names(sig_or_mi)
ir = normalise!(ir, spnames)
primal_ir = BBCode(ir)

Expand All @@ -791,8 +795,8 @@ function build_rrule(

# If we've already derived the OpaqueClosures and info, do not re-derive, just create a
# copy and pass in new shared data.
if haskey(interp.oc_cache, (sig, safety_on))
existing_fwds_oc, existing_pb_oc = interp.oc_cache[(sig, safety_on)]
if haskey(interp.oc_cache, (sig_or_mi, safety_on))
existing_fwds_oc, existing_pb_oc = interp.oc_cache[(sig_or_mi, safety_on)]
fwds_oc = replace_captures(existing_fwds_oc, shared_data)
pb_oc = replace_captures(existing_pb_oc, shared_data)
Expand All @@ -801,7 +805,7 @@ function build_rrule(

optimised_fwds_ir = optimise_ir!(optimise_ir!(IRCode(fwds_ir); do_inline=true))
optimised_pb_ir = optimise_ir!(optimise_ir!(IRCode(pb_ir); do_inline=true))
# @show sig
# @show sig_or_mi
# @show Treturn
# @show safety_on
# display(ir)
Expand All @@ -820,10 +824,10 @@ function build_rrule(
OpaqueClosure(optimised_pb_ir, shared_data...; do_compile=true),
interp.oc_cache[(sig, safety_on)] = (fwds_oc, pb_oc)
interp.oc_cache[(sig_or_mi, safety_on)] = (fwds_oc, pb_oc)

raw_rule = rule_type(interp, sig)(fwds_oc, pb_oc, Val(isva), Val(num_args(info)))
raw_rule = rule_type(interp, sig_or_mi)(fwds_oc, pb_oc, Val(isva), Val(num_args(info)))
return safety_on ? SafeRRule(raw_rule) : raw_rule

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1230,7 +1234,7 @@ function (dynamic_rule::DynamicDerivedRule)(args::Vararg{Any, N}) where {N}

LazyDerivedRule(interp, sig, safety_on::Bool)
LazyDerivedRule(interp, mi::Core.MethodInstance, safety_on::Bool)
For internal use only.
Expand All @@ -1242,19 +1246,20 @@ If `safety_on` is `true`, then the rule constructed will be a `SafeRRule`. This
when debugging, but should usually be switched off for production code as it (in general)
incurs some runtime overhead.
mutable struct LazyDerivedRule{sig, Tinterp<:TapirInterpreter, Trule}
mutable struct LazyDerivedRule{Tinterp<:TapirInterpreter, Trule}
function LazyDerivedRule(interp::A, ::Type{sig}, safety_on::Bool) where {A, sig}
rt = safety_on ? SafeRRule{rule_type(interp, sig)} : rule_type(interp, sig)
return new{sig, A, rt}(interp, safety_on)
function LazyDerivedRule(interp::A, mi::Core.MethodInstance, safety_on::Bool) where {A}
rt = rule_type(interp, mi)
return new{A, safety_on ? SafeRRule{rt} : rt}(interp, safety_on, mi)

function (rule::LazyDerivedRule{sig})(args::Vararg{Any, N}) where {N, sig}
function (rule::LazyDerivedRule)(args::Vararg{Any, N}) where {N}
if !isdefined(rule, :rule)
rule.rule = build_rrule(rule.interp, sig; safety_on=rule.safety_on)
rule.rule = build_rrule(rule.interp, rule.mi; safety_on=rule.safety_on)
return rule.rule(args...)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/tangents.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -296,6 +296,8 @@ tangent_type(::Type{Nothing}) = NoTangent

tangent_type(::Type{Expr}) = NoTangent

tangent_type(::Type{Core.TypeofVararg}) = NoTangent

tangent_type(::Type{SimpleVector}) = Vector{Any}

tangent_type(::Type{P}) where {P<:Union{UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128}} = NoTangent
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/test_utils.jl
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test_getfield_of_tuple_of_types(n::Int) = getfield((Float64, Float64), n)

test_for_invoke(x) = 5x

inlinable_invoke_call(x::Float64) = invoke(test_for_invoke, Tuple{Float64}, x)

vararg_test_for_invoke(n::Tuple{Int, Int}, x...) = sum(x) + n[1]

function inlinable_vararg_invoke_call(
rows::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, n1::N, ns::Vararg{N}
) where {N}
return invoke(vararg_test_for_invoke, Tuple{typeof(rows), Vararg{N}}, rows, n1, ns...)

function generate_test_functions()
return Any[
(false, :allocs, nothing, const_tester),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1621,6 +1633,9 @@ function generate_test_functions()
(false, :none, nothing, ArgumentError, "hi"),
(false, :none, nothing, test_small_union, Ref{Union{Float64, Vector{Float64}}}(5.0)),
(false, :none, nothing, test_small_union, Ref{Union{Float64, Vector{Float64}}}([1.0])),
(false, :allocs, nothing, inlinable_invoke_call, 5.0),
(false, :none, nothing, inlinable_vararg_invoke_call, (2, 2), 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0),
(false, :none, nothing, hvcat, (2, 2), 3.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0),

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28 changes: 21 additions & 7 deletions src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -114,19 +114,33 @@ The usual function `map` doesn't enforce this for `Array`s.

is_vararg_sig_and_sparam_names(sig)::Tuple{Bool, Vector{Symbol}}
Returns a 2-tuple. The first element is true if the method associated to `sig` is a vararg
method, and false if not. The second element contains all of the names of the static
parameters associated to said method.
Returns a 2-tuple. The first element is true if `m` is a vararg method, and false if not.
The second element contains the names of the static parameters associated to `m`.
function is_vararg_sig_and_sparam_names(sig)::Tuple{Bool, Vector{Symbol}}
is_vararg_and_sparam_names(m::Method) = m.isva, sparam_names(m)

is_vararg_and_sparam_names(sig)::Tuple{Bool, Vector{Symbol}}
Finds the method associated to `sig`, and calls `is_vararg_and_sparam_names` on it.
function is_vararg_and_sparam_names(sig)::Tuple{Bool, Vector{Symbol}}
world = Base.get_world_counter()
min = Base.RefValue{UInt}(typemin(UInt))
max = Base.RefValue{UInt}(typemax(UInt))
ms = Base._methods_by_ftype(sig, nothing, -1, world, true, min, max, Ptr{Int32}(C_NULL))::Vector
m = only(ms).method
return m.isva, sparam_names(m)
return is_vararg_and_sparam_names(only(ms).method)

Calls `is_vararg_and_sparam_names` on `mi.def::Method`.
function is_vararg_and_sparam_names(mi::Core.MethodInstance)::Tuple{Bool, Vector{Symbol}}
return is_vararg_and_sparam_names(mi.def)

# Returns the names of all of the static parameters in `m`.
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31 changes: 18 additions & 13 deletions test/fwds_rvs_data.jl
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@testset "lazy construction checks" begin
# Check that lazy construction is in fact lazy for some cases where performance
# really matters -- floats, things with no rdata, etc.
@testset "$p" for (p, fully_lazy) in Any[
(5, true),
(Int32(5), true),
(5.0, true),
(5f0, true),
(Float16(5.0), true),
(StructFoo(5.0), false),
(StructFoo(5.0, randn(4)), false),
(Bool, true),
(Tapir.TestResources.StableFoo, true),
@testset "$p" for (P, p, fully_lazy) in Any[
(Int, 5, true),
(Int32, Int32(5), true),
(Float64, 5.0, true),
(Float32, 5f0, true),
(Float16, Float16(5.0), true),
(StructFoo, StructFoo(5.0), false),
(StructFoo, StructFoo(5.0, randn(4)), false),
(Type{Bool}, Bool, true),
(Type{Tapir.TestResources.StableFoo}, Tapir.TestResources.StableFoo, true),
(Tuple{Float64, Float64}, (5.0, 4.0), true),
(Tuple{Float64, Vararg{Float64}}, (5.0, 4.0, 3.0), false),
@test fully_lazy == Base.issingletontype(typeof(lazy_zero_rdata(p)))
@inferred Tapir.instantiate(lazy_zero_rdata(p))
@test typeof(lazy_zero_rdata(p)) == Tapir.lazy_zero_rdata_type(_typeof(p))
L = Tapir.lazy_zero_rdata_type(P)
@test fully_lazy == Base.issingletontype(typeof(lazy_zero_rdata(L, p)))
if isconcretetype(P)
@inferred Tapir.instantiate(lazy_zero_rdata(L, p))
@test typeof(lazy_zero_rdata(L, p)) == Tapir.lazy_zero_rdata_type(P)
@test isa(
Expand Down

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