Developed by Company52
- PHP 5.3.1 or greater (comes bundled with the hash extension for SHA-256 API signature generation)
- Ooyala Account
- Ooyala Provider ID / Partner Code (found in Backlot Account tab under Developers)
- Ooyala Secret Code (found in Backlot Account tab under Developers)
Require and register the Phoo class autoloader:
require __DIR__ . '/lib/Phoo/Autoloader.php'; # Your path may vary - replace __DIR__ with correct path
$autoloader = new \Phoo\Autoloader();
Create a new instance of Phoo\Backlot to use in your code, and pass in your Ooyala partner code and secret code.
$backlot = new \Phoo\Backlot($partnerCode, $secretCode);
To run the test quite, you need PHPUnit installed. Installation instructions can be found in the README file in the PHPUnit GitHub Repo
To run the tests (from the default project directory), use the command: phpunit tests/AllTests.php