Helper function for liftmodule's autocomplete widget to force focus on autocomplete element.
Lift's JsCmds.FocusOnLoad utilizes a findOrAddId function that doesn't support autocomplete's element structure. The autocomlete widget wraps element sequence in an tag which ends up being recipient of new id and focus as opposed to the actual input tag (type="text").
Two helper functions are provided. FocusAutoComplete and AutoCompleteWrapper
Usage is the same as the FocusOnLoad function. After importing FocusAutoComplete, wrap the autocomplete call/nodeseq and bind as usual.
def render = {
val autocomplete = AutoComplete("", querydbase _, setSelected _, "placeholder" -> "search")
"#lastname" #> FocusAutoComplete(autocomplete) &
A new AutoCompleteWrapper function exposes input's id via a callback allowing insertion of custom javascript
def render = {
def js(id: String): JsCmd = {
val str = """
|$('#""" + id + """').focus();
|$('#""" + id + """').bind('blur',function() {
"#lastname" #> AutoCompleteWrapper(AutoComplete("", queryLName _, ....), id => js(id))
Thanks to Richard Dallaway for putting me onto the right path.