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Application Architecture

Nhan Nguyen edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 18 revisions

An iOS project is composed of many files that define different aspects the application. This guide presents high level overview of the most common pieces of an application and how they fit together. A more comprehensive guide by Apple can be found here.

Application entry points and the UIApplicationDelegate

All iOS applications are instances of UIApplication. Each application has a number events in its lifecycle (e.g. launched, went into the background, terminated). As with other classes in the UIKit framework, you control how the application will respond to these events by providing it with a delegate. A UIApplication's delegate must implement the UIApplicationDelegate protocol.

When you create a new application in Xcode, the IDE automatically sets up the code to instantiate a UIApplication when the project is run. It also generates a class that implements UIApplicationDelegate called AppDelegate and sets the application's delegate property to an instance of this class.

NB: In Swift projects this is done via the @UIApplicationMain attribute. In Object-C projects the set up is explicitly done in the main.m file.

The entry point to your application

Of the methods that you can implement in your UIApplicationDelegate, perhaps the most important is didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. This method will be called once iOS has done most of the system initialization for your app. It is commonly used as an entry point where you can implement custom logic that initializes your application and sets up the first view controller. For example, in applications that require log ins, this is a good place to check whether there is a current user and initialize different view controllers depending the "logged in" state.

The root view controller

The UIApplicationDelegate also provides a reference to the application's main window object. Of particular importance is the ability to set the main window's root view controller. This is the first view controller that will load and present its view to the user. More on view controllers can be found below.

The root view controller in storyboard applications

In simple storyboard applications, you can avoid working with the UIApplicationDelegate and simply set the root view controller directly in your Main.storyboard. By default Xcode will generate an initial view controller for you and set it to be the root view controller. This is indicated by the arrow that points to the view controller. Once you start adding more view controllers to your application, you can change the root view controller by dragging this this arrow around. You can also select a view controller and set it to be the root view controller by using the Is Initial View Controller checkbox in the Attributes Inspector.

Programatically setting the root view controller

In applications not using storyboards, you must programatically set the root view controller. This is done in your UIApplicationDelegate implementation's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method.

import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
        if let window = self.window {
            let vc = UIViewController()

            // This can be any subclass of UIViewController.  You can also use conditional logic
            // here to set up different view controllers depending on application state
            window.rootViewController =  vc

            // by default a UIViewController's .view property is set to an instance of UIView
            // of course you can set this to any custom subclass of UIView
            // one way to do this is subclass UIViewController and override the loadView method
            vc.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.cyanColor()

            let label = UILabel()
            label.text = "hello, world!"
            label.frame = vc.view.frame


        return true

Other hooks in the application lifecycle

The UIApplicationDelegate protocol provides many other hooks into the application's lifecycle giving you opportunities to things like respond differently depending on how your application was launched, set up and tear down temporary state depending whether your app is in the foreground, and persist data before exiting. A detailed discussion of the application lifecycle can be found here.

Model-View-Controller in iOS

Most applications you write for iOS will use a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture similar to the one described by Apple here. This is a proven design that helps to break up your application into managable parts with clean separation of concerns. What follows is a description of how each part of MVC typically applies in iOS programming.

NB: This description of MVC is actually slightly different than the one originally described by [Krasner and Pope] in the 1980s, and is probably closer to what some people would call a model-view-presenter paradigm. An interesting discussion of the evolution of MVC architecture over time can be found by Martin Fowler can be found here.


The model layer handles the important logic of your app. In a photo-sharing social network, it would include entities like "Users" and "Photos." Often, the model handles storing data.

The model should be presentation agnostic. A well designed model could be reused between iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

  • api
  • serialization
  • representation of data


  • nib

  • storyboard

  • classes

  • translate low level events into semantic ones

Everything involving UI and presentation falls into the view. UIKit provides the base classes, such as UIView, UIButton, and UIImageView. You can subclass and create your own views, but the views provided by UIKit are highly customizable, and you should stick to them whenever possible.

View Controllers

The controller sits between your model and view. When you tap a button, the view controller should handle the event and update the model. If the model updates, the view controller reflects this by updating the view.

Each view controller usually correlates to one screen within your app. For instance, an email client would probably have an AccountsListViewController. If you clicked on an account, it would push in to an InboxViewController, which displays a list of emails. If you tapped an email, it would display the full email within an EmailDetailsViewController.

Your view controllers will always subclass from UIViewController, provided by UIKit. You can handle common events by overriding methods. For instance, if you want to start polling an endpoint when your view appears on screen, you could override viewDidAppear(animated: Bool)


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