export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME="muenster-dashboard"
export ELASTICSEARCH_URL_PREFIX="http://localhost:9200/mein-ms2-"
export BUILD="--build"
sudo --preserve-env docker-compose up $BUILD
If you want to start React in developer mode open another terminal:
sudo docker container stop muenster-dashboard_dashboard_1
export REACT_APP_ELASTICSEARCH_URL_PREFIX="http://localhost:9200/mein-ms2-"
npm start
If "npm start" fails because of this error:
Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch '/home/thomas/git/familien-dashboard/public'
Then you should try:
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
- Show indexes: https://elasticsearch.codeformuenster.org/mein-ms-places/_cat/indices
- Show content of mein-ms-places index: https://elasticsearch.codeformuenster.org/mein-ms-places/_search
- Show only events: https://elasticsearch.codeformuenster.org/mein-ms-places/_search?q=type:event
For offline debugging, exchange elasticsearch.codeformuenster.org
with localhost:9200
If you need to delete an index:
curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/places
Before importing it, don't forget to run the index creation script, otherwise the locations will not be recognized by Elasticsearch.
node create_indexes.js
careful, this ^ also deletes indexes. uncomment the indexes you dont want to recreate.
For importing the data open a new terminal:
If you don't provide a mapquest key, no events will be imported. Get a mapquest key here (registration is quick and easy): https://developer.mapquest.com/user/me/apps
export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME="muenster-dashboard"
export ELASTICSEARCH_URL_PREFIX="http://elasticsearch:9200/mein-ms2-"
export BUILD="--build"
export MAPQUEST_KEY="<your mapquest key here>"
cd import-scripts
sudo --preserve-env ./import.sh
Read more about importing mein-ms data in import-scripts/README.md