Completed project: Frontend and Backend. (click image to view full size)
This is the Frontend of the Cloud Resume Challenge project by Forrest Brazeal.
- Project Article: "Semper Gumby: A Marine's Journey in the Cloud"
- Project Website:
- Project Backend Repo: CRC Backend
- The Challenge: Cloud Resume Challenge - AWS
- DevOps Mod: Terraform Your CRC
The challenge was to build a secure full-stack serverless web app in the cloud. I built my project in AWS and also leveraged Terraform (IaC), GitHub Actions (CI/CD) and Cypress (Testing).
- Terraform Remote Backend Setup
- DNS and SSL Certificate Management
- S3 Static Website Hosting
- AWS CloudFront Distribution
- CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions
- Terraform deployment & management
- S3 Sync of Website Code
- CloudFront Cache Invalidation
- Cypress End-to-End Testing
- AWS Cloud Serverless with DevOps & Security practices.
- Terraform for infrastructure deployment and management.
- Serverless Frontend-Backend Integration
- Automation with CI/CD pipeline for reliable updates.
- End-to-End Testing of Website
- Monitoring and Alerting notifications
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- IAM (User, Policies)
- S3 Static Website
- Amazon CloudFront
- AWS Certificate Manager
- Amazon Route 53, KMS
- Amazon API Gateway
- AWS Lambda, Python, boto3
- Amazon DynamoDB
- Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon SNS, AWS ChatBot
- PagerDuty, Slack
- S3, DynamoDB (Remote BE)
- Terraform (IaC)
- GitHub Actions (CI/CD)
- Testing (Cypress)
Completed additional DevOps and Security mods recommended for the CRC project.
- DevOps
- Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC): provision & maintain infra with Terrafrom
- CI/CD: deploy app via GitHub Actions with Cypress tests
- Monitoring & Alerting: configured CloudWatch Alarms, SNS Topics with integrations to PagerDuty & Slack (AWS Chatbot)
- Testing: implemented Cypress end-to-end testing upon deployment
- Security
- DNSSEC: configured site domain name to protect DNS setup from potential spoofing
- IAM Access Analyzer: configured IAM roles with least privileges required
- Web Application Firewall (WAF): configured WAF web acl rule with CloudFront for both frontend and backend (API Gateway)
- tfsec: static analysic security scanning of Terraform code in GitHub Actions workflow
- ACM: take note of us-east-1 locale
- IAM: access advisor vs practical GitHub Actions role permissions (apply before push)
- Remote Backend: create resources > migrate state to S3; s3 config - no vars allowed
- OIDC: create identity provider > then use with GitHub Actions
- State: manual terraform state usage (show, list, remove)
- API Gateway: v1 vs v2 differences; WAF requirements
- Variables/Outputs: referencing between main and modules
- SSM Parameter Store: ability to secure key info and share between projects
- Route 53: DNSSEC - establish chain of trust
- AWS Module: version consistency across project (pin version)
- locals: AWS Account ID
- WAF: CloudFront + API Gateway v2 (HTTP API)
- Docs: AWS & Terraform - growing ability to research and find solutions
As I continue to learn, I see more opportunities to improve upon the project. At some point you just have to publish and take the learnings into the next project.
- Tests: add more quality tests
- Monitoring: add more relevant alarms
- WAF: observe and adjust the rules to further secure
- Tagging: add for billing visibility and misc config
- Performance: CI/CD and application in general
- Logging: capture as much info as needed to support
- Misc: code in general - what can be improved upon?
- Operational Excellence
- Automated deployments with CI/CD pipeline, monitoring, and continuous improvements.
- Security
- IAM, Certificate Manager (SSL), and S3 bucket policies provide security of access and data.
- Reliability
- S3, DynamoDB, and Route 53 ensure app availability and recoverability.
- Performance Efficiency
- CloudFront provideds efficent content delivery.
- Cost Optimization
- Specific resource (Serverless) provisioning with Terraform minimizes costs.
- Sustainability
- Automation and optimizing AWS services reduce impact.
Resource: AWS Well-Architected Framework