Grab the new version from Maven central https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/de/codecentric/
Current docs at https://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/3.1.2/
Things that changed in this release
- 2d7e0fce - chore: fix build (#2617)
- 72723753 - chore: disable scan on push
- 0ec7d601 - fix(RegistrationClient): set timeouts properly (#2616)
- f1f6ac6f - fix(#2615): reduce ssti vectors for thymeleaf
- 9ae408dc - feat(ci): set new SNAPSHOT version after release (#2611)
- 02793560 - chore: set new SNAPSHOT version
- 5b7a88bd - fix(deps): update revision to v3.1.1 (#2610)
- 7382c996 - chore(deps): update dependency vite to v4.4.2 (#2609)