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TensorFlow Lite BEAM bindings with optional EdgeTPU support.

Coverage Status

OS Arch ABI Build Status Has Precompiled Library
Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 gnu CI Yes
Ubuntu 20.04 arm64 gnu CI Yes
Ubuntu 20.04 armv7l gnueabihf CI Yes
Ubuntu 20.04 armv6 gnueabihf CI Yes
Ubuntu 20.04 riscv64 gnu CI Yes
macOS 11 Big Sur x86_64 darwin CI Yes
macOS 11 Big Sur arm64 darwin CI Yes

Coral Support


For macOS

# only required if not using precompiled binaries
# for compiling libusb
brew install autoconf automake

For some Linux OSes you need to manually execute the following command to update udev rules, otherwise, libedgetpu will fail to initialize Coral devices.

bash "3rd_party/cache/${TFLITE_BEAM_CORAL_LIBEDGETPU_RUNTIME}/edgetpu_runtime/"

Compile-Time Environment Variable


    Use precompiled binaries when TFLITE_BEAM_PREFER_PRECOMPILED is true. Otherwise, this library will compile from source.

    Defaults to true.


    Enable Coral Support.

    Defaults to true.


    Throttling USB Coral Devices. Please see the official warning here, google-coral/libedgetpu.

    Defaults to true.

    Note that only when TFLITE_BEAM_CORAL_USB_THROTTLE is set to NO, :tflite_beam will use the non-throttled libedgetpu libraries.


    Choose which ones of the libedgetpu libraries to copy to the priv directory of the :tflite_beam app.

    Default value is native - only native libraries will be downloaded and copied. native corresponds to the host OS and CPU architecture when compiling this library.

    When set to a specific value, e.g, darwin_arm64 or darwin_x86_64, then the corresponding one will be downloaded and copied. This option is expected to be used for cross-compiling, like with nerves.

    Available values for this option are:

    Value OS/CPU
    aarch64 Linux arm64
    armv7l Linux armv7
    armv6 Linux armv6
    k8 Linux x86_64
    x86_64 Linux x86_64
    riscv64 Linux riscv64
    darwin_arm64 macOS Apple Silicon
    darwin_x86_64 macOS x86_64


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding tflite_beam to your list of dependencies in rebar.config:

{deps, [
  {tflite_beam, "0.3.2"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at